The what's going on in Thrash thread

He's one hell of an explosive player :)
the unmatched wit of Slammed :lol:

Dude that's f'n crazy. I hope it was meth lol
i think it was. He looked tweaked the fuck out in that clip.

Holy crap that's a hell of stint, although in this country 30 years
yeah same here usually. Most people only serve a fraction of the time they are initially given.

The other charge I think for coming at the officer with a knife,a life sentence?
Not a life sentence but that's definitely going to get him some time.

As long as he can wear that super fashionable anti-suicide vest, it looks like just the attire to wear when you're out BBQing...whatever...with your flame thrower!
looked more like a dress that my aunt would rock. :lol:
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In this country our biggest problems are the judges to begin with, there is not accountability and no one can question them so they get told the maximum term is 25 years, then the judge makes some bullshit reasoning for 15 years with a good behaviour period of 10, then the fucking parole board allow the crim out after 7. It's fucked system where no one is liable for the crimes the pricks commit while on parole.

looked more like a dress that my aunt would rock. :lol:

If it was in a brighter colour I reckon more death metal musos would rock them too :)
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Oh yay a guy who might well be a good guitarist but went and did something stupid needs money, everyone jump in and offer money. I really do wonder what the world is coming to with crowd funding. Bands asking for money to record sucks in my opinion. But crowdfunding on behalf of other people is a joke. We had some psycho go postal in the streets of the city a few weeks back, he was threatening all kinds of shit. Cops came in tried to subdue the guy. In the middle of the cops doing their thing this homeless guy pushes a shopping trolley at the pyscho and it puts the guy on the ground. The cops ended up shooting psycho and some woman started a crowdfunding thing for the homeless guy. It got to $150K or something silly before it came out that trolley man was not just out on bail but he was wanted for a list of crimes as long as your arm. But thanks to a bunch of people with misguided guilt and no idea what they full story was suddenly there is a bucket load of proposed money offered to a guy who didn't know about it, doesn't want it, and can't take it anyway.
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Oh yay a guy who might well be a good guitarist but went and did something stupid needs money, everyone jump in and offer money. I really do wonder what the world is coming to with crowd funding. Bands asking for money to record sucks in my opinion. But crowdfunding on behalf of other people is a joke. We had some psycho go postal in the streets of the city a few weeks back, he was threatening all kinds of shit. Cops came in tried to subdue the guy. In the middle of the cops doing their thing this homeless guy pushes a shopping trolley at the pyscho and it puts the guy on the ground. The cops ended up shooting psycho and some woman started a crowdfunding thing for the homeless guy. It got to $150K or something silly before it came out that trolley man was not just out on bail but he was wanted for a list of crimes as long as your arm. But thanks to a bunch of people with misguided guilt and no idea what they full story was suddenly there is a bucket load of proposed money offered to a guy who didn't know about it, doesn't want it, and can't take it anyway.
Yeah this seems crazy to ask for people to give money for something like this. I guess maybe if he's mentally ill. but if it's drugs forget it. Shouldn't have done them. Smoke a joint drink a beer!
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To me even metal illness isn't a free ticket to other peoples money. I totally accept some people deserve it and use it well. There is also people who don't get it that could use it but for me there is a lot of limitations on giving money and the dude from CC wouldn;t be enough to convince me no matter how mental he is. The guy might not be a millionaire but if he stopped buying flame throwers maybe he could afford a little bit of help.
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Haha I'm sure it's there somewhere. It's probably the first place Pat's lawyers are looking so they can claim he wasn't as wacko as he is.
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Oooooohhhhh Sweet Baby Rays on Ribs. I'd nearly be willing to try those ribs after they were cooked :)

I would really like to see whether they are cooked though. It was a lot of heat but only for a short time. I imagine it would have been enough to boil the water in the watermelon, but some of the corn was not cooked and I would wonder if the meat would be cooked through or just charred.

But fuck man I needs me weapons for protection!!
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Ahahahha! sold you on it huh?! For sure. I need protection too! ;)

Yeah I don't know how cooked it can be. Hope he likes it rare. But I would think it would taste like the fuel lol
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If I can find a local service centre that refills it I'm in :)

yeah I think the taste would be a bit off as well.
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I don't even know what's in the tanks. I guess I'd fail my license to get one :)

Homemade is always safer :)
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