The what's going on in Thrash thread

Interesting to hear him say that touring North America is difficult. I know over the years (mainly since 9/11 but some before) we've had some musos from here claim they can't get into North America because they've done something silly as a kid and got a record. Tom doesn't seem to suggest that is the problem (and to be fair he doesn't suggest it isn't either) but he seems to be suggesting that Sodom struggle to get tours there. He doesn't say it's impossible which to me says they aren't banned or anything only that it's difficult. I wonder if other German bands have a similar issues.
Yeah it's not the first time I've heard things like this. I don't know what the problem is. Bureaucracy? one hand doesn't know what the other is doing? Not getting metal? I really have no idea. But it does seem to be a problem for bands that are not huge. Like I've never heard it from a band like the Scorpions.
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Yeah it's not the first time I've heard things like this. I don't know what the problem is. Bureaucracy? one hand doesn't know what the other is doing? Not getting metal? I really have no idea. But it does seem to be a problem for bands that are not huge. Like I've never heard it from a band like the Scorpions.

If it was because of criminal acts I could understand, no country wants to let people in if they are drug dealers and the like, but the suggestion really does seem to be that it's bureaucracy and that really does suck. I'm sure all countries have it to some degree and our fuckwit government have stopped people they don't like (mainly those mouth pieces that preach hate) from entering. But surely no country, even a god loving nation like America, could have anything against a band by the name of Sodom with a lead singer who calls himself Angelripper :)
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I wonder what happens if someone is better at sounding like old Dave than Dave is now?

I think the crowds need to get their act together and treat it like a talent show. When Dave and the boys finish a song the crowd all holds up signs with numbers from 1 - 10 on them.
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Happened to a piss take talent show we used to have here. The main judge was a bit of a smart arse and only ever gave a score of two or less so it eventually happened that when his band from the 70's reformed on the show the crowd had cards with 2 on them for when the band finished. Went down really well.
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What? Huh? Wait a minute. When did bass players suddenly become relevant? I thought all they did was stand there and keep the beat :)

I haven't read everything that's been in the press on the bass tour but I don't remember in what I have read any mention of who was going to be with him. TBH even if it came to my town I honestly doubt I'd pay to see it so I kind of turn off from the media releases.
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I'd be more interested in seeing Jnr than something like Scott Ian's stand up, but it would still be a bit of a stretch to talk me into it.

Years ago I used go to some of the 'clinics' as they called them which were sort of like those videos of Gary Holt playing in front of a few fans at a shop, except these were paid events in a club. There was times where the singer or drummer etc did get pulled out of the crowd.
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Lol yeah so would I.

It sounds cool to me being in a small place like that seeing someone like Jr. Have a couple drinks, maybe something else depending on the state it's in lol, and watch him rock out.
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I'm sure it would be entertaining enough but laziness is a big thing for me these days. If I was living in the city I might be more interested in gigs and stand up and clinics but these days it's just too much effort for so little gain.
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For me it's an overnight trip to most gigs which means two days off. I could drive home at 1am, the roads would be quiet and I spent years driving at those hours in the truck, but I'm just not into any more so I'd have to stay the night in the city. I have plans (at this stage) to take the kids to the last KISS shows purely so they can say they went but otherwise gig are just too much of an effort. A clinic is a complete waste for me now.
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From memory I think it's November next year. Tickets are on sale soon but I wont be jumping, given that I'll need to take at least one day off to do the trip I'm going to have to wait to closer time the time before making plans. Sometimes it sucks being a contractor, but it's what happens.
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