The what's going on in Thrash thread

If he tells us the new album is more aggressive one more time I'll break his wrists :)
I'm sure they can go on without Charlie if they wanted to but I do wonder if they would want to. I'm not invested enough into Anthrax these days to boycott them if they had to replace Charlie, I'd listen to to their new stuff with or without him. But I do wonder how many die hard fans would boycott them for doing it.

Think about the ramifications of your statement. Lars quits Metallica and starts a new band, that band has a problem because Lars is the drummer. Kirk has to go into instrumentals and pay a PI to find his phone so doesn't run out of riffs to put on those instrumental albums. James has to guest on every pop, rock and metalcore album released and his input consists only of grunting into the mic. And Rob is left to crab walk around the world for money. I think you are being unfair on the world!
It'd be funny to read the comments from the people that always bash Charlie, to suddenly switch to Anthrax is a dead cover band without him as if they cared lol

So you're saying instead of one band being ruined a dozen or more would be ruined? Potentially the entire scene? Shit. That would be the heaviest thing they've done in decades! :heh:
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If Charlie has to quit I hope Gene's got something else on the books, he can't do Testament, Dark Angel and Anthrax!

Not only would it be the heaviest things they'd done but you would be responsible!! :p
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Oh look it's Ex-Megadeth Guitarist Marty Friedman again. Did you know he played on two of Megadeth's most successful albums? No of course you didn't! Did you also know he didn't take part in a Megadeth reunion? Don't pretend you did!

The heading about a cool and exciting band if the opportunity arose sounds like Ace Freehly wrote it. But that heading doesn't really do the man justice. His whole point is that he's open to playing anything any time that interests him. It's why he went to Japan, it's why he played j-pop, it's why did does what he does. Writing a generic heading that sounds like the same heading they used for someone else only a day or so again just proves how piss weak Blabber is getting. The guy actually has something interesting to say but they gloss over it for catch phrases.
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I think I'll stick with what I have, the bonus tracks aren't very enticing. The part that surprised me is that both the albums have been out of print for five years.

Although they aren't fan faves I guess it does make sense to reissue them for new fans if they have been out of print. Never know when someone might find it and make it a new favourite album
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Oh look it's Ex-Megadeth Guitarist Marty Friedman again. Did you know he played on two of Megadeth's most successful albums? No of course you didn't! Did you also know he didn't take part in a Megadeth reunion? Don't pretend you did!

The heading about a cool and exciting band if the opportunity arose sounds like Ace Freehly wrote it. But that heading doesn't really do the man justice. His whole point is that he's open to playing anything any time that interests him. It's why he went to Japan, it's why he played j-pop, it's why did does what he does. Writing a generic heading that sounds like the same heading they used for someone else only a day or so again just proves how piss weak Blabber is getting. The guy actually has something interesting to say but they gloss over it for catch phrases.
Marty who? Mega what?

You're right it's very lazy of them and a bit disrespectful. He had some cool things to say. He's pretty cool towards his band. It doesn't sound like he has much of an ego. Maybe some strong opinions on things, but not egoish. I'd love a real super group. The problem is that the singer would suck it's usually someone screamo or some lame-o. I think he and Chuck should do something, at the very least it should be an old school frontman.

I liked his interview the other day about his live album, saying he wanted to have a fold out like KISS so people could break their weed up on it. And then realized you don't have to do that with pot these days :p. He comes across pretty good natured to me overall.
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Marty who? Mega what?

You're right it's very lazy of them and a bit disrespectful. He had some cool things to say. He's pretty cool towards his band. It doesn't sound like he has much of an ego. Maybe some strong opinions on things, but not egoish. I'd love a real super group. The problem is that the singer would suck it's usually someone screamo or some lame-o. I think he and Chuck should do something, at the very least it should be an old school frontman.

I liked his interview the other day about his live album, saying he wanted to have a fold out like KISS so people could break their weed up on it. And then realized you don't have to do that with pot these days :p. He comes across pretty good natured to me overall.

Marty Martian?

I'd listen to a super group, I might even buy it, but it does seem to be glossed over. His solo stuff is the same, I'll give it a listen and decide if I like it. But to simply throw all those tidbits of information into one story without actually talking about any in depth is a waste of an interview.

I think he comes across quite well and I wouldn't mind betting that lifestyle of the last 10 years or so as a lot to do with it. While it might not have been a laid back life it was from he suggests a life where he did what he wanted to, played what he wanted to and played with who he wanted too. I might not like everything he does but I respect him for doing it and not being a dick about it.
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I was watching a Metallica video from somewhere this morning. I have no idea if it's true because I'm not anal enough to test it but there was a comment on the Whiplash video that the song as played was at 160bpm where as the original live version was 190bpm. Firstly who is that fucking anal to compare them, but secondly, I wonder if it's true.
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LOL, that is pretty anal lol. I hope it's a program they have. I don't doubt it could be true. I've noticed things played slower at times ( they used to play things faster ) but I sure as hell would never take it so far as count beats lol
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