The what's going on in Thrash thread

I think the bonus track off of Bloodletting is a cover version of We Gotta Get Out Of This Place or Twisted Sister’s Under The Blade?
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I think the bonus track off of Bloodletting is a cover version of We Gotta Get Out Of This Place or Twisted Sister’s Under The Blade?

The Animals. It's not a bad song but I think just about every band in history has done it before.
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I've already had both tracks for years,not too bad pretty heavy as a little tongue and cheeky of course!
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We'll you got your money's worth.:) I don't even know where that Overkill thing I saw was leading to. It appears to be some magazine offer but it's all in some other language and even clicking the link Overkill offered I couldn't find what the link was talking about.

Seesh, talk about fucked up people with fucked up fucking stupid fucking ideals and fucking opinions (ok I think I got that one out)

I was having a discussion with a "staff member" in one of the 2018 rating threads about how piss poor the new MC album is (apparently I was wrong) and how it's just not MC. Not only was the conversation deemed not worth of the rating thread and shifted but I got reprimanded for being insulting. I suggested the new MC should have been released under the Presto Ballet name. Such a suggesting was passed off as me not respecting bands/musos who play in other genres. So when I suggested I didn't have a problem with "whathisface from Testament playing in a jazz band" I got told off for being fucking insulting and such things don't happen on said forum.

FUCK ME I realise I have a different sense of humor to many others and I don't get offended easy by any name but when did whathisface become a fucking insult?

So to Alex "whathisface" Skolnik from Testament in a thread dedicated to your band, a thread where I myself have spent many hours talking about you and your music and said staff member has spent none I sincerely apologise for using your nick name (which I came up with when I couldn't remember your name) in a forum that has nothing to do with your band but loves the touchy feely cuddly vibe of today's PC crowd and understand that such a name would have cut right to your bone and left you crying in the corner like a pussy.

Well I feel better!!:headbang:
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We'll you got your money's worth.:) I don't even know where that Overkill thing I saw was leading to. It appears to be some magazine offer but it's all in some other language and even clicking the link Overkill offered I couldn't find what the link was talking about.

Seesh, talk about fucked up people with fucked up fucking stupid fucking ideals and fucking opinions (ok I think I got that one out)

I was having a discussion with a "staff member" in one of the 2018 rating threads about how piss poor the new MC album is (apparently I was wrong) and how it's just not MC. Not only was the conversation deemed not worth of the rating thread and shifted but I got reprimanded for being insulting. I suggested the new MC should have been released under the Presto Ballet name. Such a suggesting was passed off as me not respecting bands/musos who play in other genres. So when I suggested I didn't have a problem with "whathisface from Testament playing in a jazz band" I got told off for being fucking insulting and such things don't happen on said forum.

FUCK ME I realise I have a different sense of humor to many others and I don't get offended easy by any name but when did whathisface become a fucking insult?

So to Alex "whathisface" Skolnik from Testament in a thread dedicated to your band, a thread where I myself have spent many hours talking about you and your music and said staff member has spent none I sincerely apologise for using your nick name (which I came up with when I couldn't remember your name) in a forum that has nothing to do with your band but loves the touchy feely cuddly vibe of today's PC crowd and understand that such a name would have cut right to your bone and left you crying in the corner like a pussy.

Well I feel better!!:headbang:
Wait got drummed down for saying the new MC (paraphrasing) sucks? what the absolute fuck?! By a staff member?! Oh and saying whatshisface? SMH Millennial staff member? lol
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Wait got drummed down for saying the new MC (paraphrasing) sucks? what the absolute fuck?! By a staff member?!

Oh yeah, that's where it all started. It's been going on for a few days and it's been mostly respectful (although I did call the new MC a pop record). Two people (one a staff member) are praising MC as some of the best work ever and I disagreed, I didn't just say it was shit I gave reasons but I guess in the end one of them just had enough of me dissing the record of the year and when I used the name "Whatshisface" instead of Alex it was the icing on a shit laden cake, I had crossed the line and I needed to be told so as not to have such a thing ever happen again.
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Oh yeah, that's where it all started. It's been going on for a few days and it's been mostly respectful (although I did call the new MC a pop record). Two people (one a staff member) are praising MC as some of the best work ever and I disagreed, I didn't just say it was shit I gave reasons but I guess in the end one of them just had enough of me dissing the record of the year and when I used the name "Whatshisface" instead of Alex it was the icing on a shit laden cake, I had crossed the line and I needed to be told so as not to have such a thing ever happen again.
So..your reasons made to much sense and they couldn't handle it. That's what I'm getting. Cause it's a watered down no balls barely thrash disaster laced with cheese. That doesn't even come close to the first three Howe albums. They should be reprimanded for thinking guys who aren't really thrash guys can do the job of those prior members.
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So..your reasons made to much sense and they couldn't handle it. That's what I'm getting. Cause it's a watered down no balls barely thrash disaster laced with cheese. That doesn't even come close to the first three Howe albums. They should be reprimanded for thinking guys who aren't really thrash guys can do the job of those prior members.

Yeah it seems that's what happened. After three or four days the guy did come back with something like "I think you're wrong but respect your right to think that way" and then followed it up with the Whathisface carry on, so it really does appear like he got shitty with me for dissing the album and ran out of ways to justify his own thoughts on it so he found a new target to attack.

The first guy to disagree with me was the guy I mentioned recently who gave it a 5/5 review, then in his yearly ranking ranked at least one album that was a 4.5 (in his eyes) higher than it. To me that shows his rating system is flawed to begin with. But then the 'staff member' started defending how good the album was (I think he said it fits between Masterpeace and XI) and that Kudrt has done an amazing job. I even went as far as suggesting that it might be a great collection of songs but it's not a metal album but I think that compliment got forgotten when I suggested that the last two MC albums are the equivalent of Megadeth's Risk.
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I'm not sure why he was asking. And Skolnicks answer was basically what any normal tolerant persons would be.

Yeah I've heard some out of the blue questions asked of people but that seemed like it came from so far out it was off the radar. Still I guesshe could have asked if Whathisname thought he should be in the Big4 :)
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So the second guy knew he had nothing lol.

Umm, between Masterpiece and XI? Holy shit. Hold on while I laugh my ass off. Masterpiece is a complete piece of crap and that is pretty much universally know. I bought that when it came out and I think I took it right back to the store saying it had a defect. Luckily I didn't have to get another copy of it because it was so bad they didn't have any others. to call it Masterpiece really shows how long Vanderhoof has been out of touch. Or an ego maniac. And after (in between XI) are the Ronnie Monroe albums, which to me put them in amateur hour. Different line ups, bad songs. XI, I liked much more than the new one. Part of it is obviously because Howe had just come back. I still thought it needed a heavier sound and better drums. But overall it had good songs. I figured they just needed an album to get their stride. The new one has better drums but that's it. The solos are worse, there's no cool bass. And some definite cheese to the lyrics and some of the vocals. At least while not as heavy or fast as I wanted XI had some good and catchy songs, and a bit of darkness the new one is just doesn't. It sounds like rushed out secondhand leftovers. There's like two tracks I would recommend, other than two out of the three they released before the album came out. IF I had to recommend anything.
And the fact that Kurd has said the production of every other metal album is very funny. I wonder why this guy doesn't find that offensive?! What does he think of Kurdt saying all black metal is shit? Is that not disrespectful of musicians?! Testament, Megadeth, Slayer, Overkill and Flotsam And Jetsam's albums from the same time all sound full and pounding. MC DOES sound like Presto Ballet. Weak shit. And a very big disappointment from a band who has three albums that too me are as good as anything anyone has done. But as I've said before and I'm sure some may be sick of hearing. This isn't that band. These guys as musicians don't compare to that line up.
As much I don't care for Risk. At least the production was good.
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