The what's going on in Thrash thread

So the second guy knew he had nothing lol.

Umm, between Masterpiece and XI? Holy shit. Hold on while I laugh my ass off. Masterpiece is a complete piece of crap and that is pretty much universally know. I bought that when it came out and I think I took it right back to the store saying it had a defect. Luckily I didn't have to get another copy of it because it was so bad they didn't have any others. to call it Masterpiece really shows how long Vanderhoof has been out of touch. Or an ego maniac. And after (in between XI) are the Ronnie Monroe albums, which to me put them in amateur hour. Different line ups, bad songs. XI, I liked much more than the new one. Part of it is obviously because Howe had just come back. I still thought it needed a heavier sound and better drums. But overall it had good songs. I figured they just needed an album to get their stride. The new one has better drums but that's it. The solos are worse, there's no cool bass. And some definite cheese to the lyrics and some of the vocals. At least while not as heavy or fast as I wanted XI had some good and catchy songs, and a bit of darkness the new one is just doesn't. It sounds like rushed out secondhand leftovers. There's like two tracks I would recommend, other than two out of the three they released before the album came out. IF I had to recommend anything.
And the fact that Kurd has said the production of every other metal album is very funny. I wonder why this guy doesn't find that offensive?! What does he think of Kurdt saying all black metal is shit? Is that not disrespectful of musicians?! Testament, Megadeth, Slayer, Overkill and Flotsam And Jetsam's albums from the same time all sound full and pounding. MC DOES sound like Presto Ballet. Weak shit. And a very big disappointment from a band who has three albums that too me are as good as anything anyone has done. But as I've said before and I'm sure some may be sick of hearing. This isn't that band. These guys as musicians don't compare to that line up.
As much I don't care for Risk. At least the production was good.

The second guy claiming the album to be a 5/5 then rating a 4.5/5 higher in the end of year ranking proves he had nothing, further proof was his review claimed Monkey Finger to be the best track on the record :)

But it really does sound like these guys don't know that Metal Church were a band back in the 80's. That's part of the reason I kept saying that this album IS NOT Metal Church. Even if people want to claim it as a good record it's not the band that made those great albums, it's not the record Kurdt and Howe claimed it was going to be and it's not metal.

I accept that my pop reference was probably a shit stir as much as anything but at the same time I thought the obviousness of the exaggeration helped point out that there is a huge difference between real metal and this album. Like it, love it, appreciate it, who cares but to call it metal is really stretching the genre of metal.
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It may be
The second guy claiming the album to be a 5/5 then rating a 4.5/5 higher in the end of year ranking proves he had nothing, further proof was his review claimed Monkey Finger to be the best track on the record :)

But it really does sound like these guys don't know that Metal Church were a band back in the 80's. That's part of the reason I kept saying that this album IS NOT Metal Church. Even if people want to claim it as a good record it's not the band that made those great albums, it's not the record Kurdt and Howe claimed it was going to be and it's not metal.

I accept that my pop reference was probably a shit stir as much as anything but at the same time I thought the obviousness of the exaggeration helped point out that there is a huge difference between real metal and this album. Like it, love it, appreciate it, who cares but to call it metal is really stretching the genre of metal.
It may be a bit of a shit stirrer but in the world of thrash, Pop is basically what this album qualifies as.
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It may be

It may be a bit of a shit stirrer but in the world of thrash, Pop is basically what this album qualifies as.

The thing that gets me is that even when Metallica wen't top40 it wasn't like this. Even when Megadeth did Risk, it wasn't like this. Howe and Kurdt seemed to have made a concerted effort to go as weak as possibly while still saying they were creating something that compared to MC of old. If Metallica had spent months telling us that album 4 was going to be like Kill 'em All it would have been the same thing. If Megadeth tried to sell Risk as being the same as SFSGSW it would have been the same. MC comparing their latest to anything in the past is a joke, but they did it for months leading up to the release.
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You're absolutely right about that. They sold this all wrong. It's a damn bad joke.

It will be interesting to see how (or if) Wyvern responds to you. You gave a well thought out response that was backed up with evidence and explained everything but he almost seems like he finds such explanations impossible to understand.
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It will be interesting to see how (or if) Wyvern responds to you. You gave a well thought out response that was backed up with evidence and explained everything but he almost seems like he finds such explanations impossible to understand.
Yeah lol. I'm a bit sad that he's staff member lol. I don't think he'll get or accept what I wrote. I think I could go on for a long time. but I'm cutting it off now.
His response about the whatshisface comment is really laughable. I mean really. WTF.
you know I've never once thought of Metal Church as power metal and I dispute his claim that others think that. If that was the case nobody could say they think MC should have been included in the big4. Because it's the big4 of thrash metal.
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Yeah lol. I'm a bit sad that he's staff member lol. I don't think he'll get or accept what I wrote. I think I could go on for a long time. but I'm cutting it off now.
His response about the whatshisface comment is really laughable. I mean really. WTF.
you know I've never once thought of Metal Church as power metal and I dispute his claim that others think that. If that was the case nobody could say they think MC should have been included in the big4. Because it's the big4 of thrash metal.

I don't know what power a staff member wields but his comment about me insulting Alex seemed to be suggesting he would take things further if I persisted. Considering the GMD section of this forum constantly has the term faggot thrown around and it's only the site owner who steps in I really have to wonder exactly what is so offensive about the term Whatshisface that a staff member got offended by. But it's that sort of behaviour that makes me think he's going to either ignore everything or he's going to come back selectively with comments along the lines of "I respect your opinion but you are wrong."

Interestingly enough wiki (the source for everything right) list MC as a Heavy Metal band, so I'm beginning to think calling them anything but a thrash band is ok and by not calling them a thrash band you can excuse shit like Damned If You Do.
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