The what's going on in Thrash thread

I just can't stand him. Freaking hipster pseudo artsy douche bag. Maybe if he listened to any metal he'd know what good was. I wish the guy that knocked out Danzig would have a go at Lars lol
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I just don't understand what his goal is. Most metal heads wouldn't give a fuck that he thinks Miley has talent. Most Miley fans and pop fans think she has talent and are wondering who the old man kissing her arse is. I suppose it might get him in the magazines that cover Miley's latest efforts and that gets him more coverage but that's about all I can see he gets. I wonder if he's going to go round to all the popular acts and do the same. Every week we'll get a new article. "Lars Ulrich says Rhianna is really talented." "Metallica Drummer praises Kanye West singing, claims he's really got talent." Oh My God where will it end?
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Hey redlfy the other day you were saying how you read a story about dry rivers and dead fish over here. Check out this image.


That's irrigation water to a huge Chinese owned cotton farm. The irrigation channel is flooded and it as wide or wider than much of the river where all the fish are dying. Our governments (successive over the last 10 years or so) have given the Chinese allowances for all that water to feed an industry that would not naturally be supported in that region because of a lack of water. All that water has come out of the Murray-Darling system that they spoke about with all the fish dying. River is dry, fish are dead, farmers struggling and tourism fucked because the government sold out to the Chinese.
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Hey redlfy the other day you were saying how you read a story about dry rivers and dead fish over here. Check out this image.


That's irrigation water to a huge Chinese owned cotton farm. The irrigation channel is flooded and it as wide or wider than much of the river where all the fish are dying. Our governments (successive over the last 10 years or so) have given the Chinese allowances for all that water to feed an industry that would not naturally be supported in that region because of a lack of water. All that water has come out of the Murray-Darling system that they spoke about with all the fish dying. River is dry, fish are dead, farmers struggling and tourism fucked because the government sold out to the Chinese.
Holy shit! That's fucked up. Like the Chinese aren't busy enough destroying their own land! Man I'd be so pissed if I lived in Australia.
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Holy shit! That's fucked up. Like the Chinese aren't busy enough destroying their own land! Man I'd be so pissed if I lived in Australia.

There is fuck all people can do. They've protested, they've warned of the damage but the government don't listen. One of our problems is that our governments get voted out not in. The government that sold that land to the Chinese should never have done it and they had to change the rules to do so, but it meant megabucks to the government. The Chinese promised they'd do right, but they didn't, then the government gets voted out (for multiple reasons) and the new government despite disagreeing with the deals of the previous government realises how much money it's worth so they quietly agree to make things even worse for a bit more money. 3-4 years on that government gets voted out and the first one comes back in trying to ignore their own previous fuck ups and focus on the last term of government only. It all gets forgotten and the voting public have a short memory. In the mean time the parties themselves have sacked their leader and spent more time infighting than running the country. All this important shit gets forgotten while the politicians fight themselves, meanwhile the Chinese just keep taking and taking and paying the government when they ask for more to fund the next election.
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There is fuck all people can do. They've protested, they've warned of the damage but the government don't listen. One of our problems is that our governments get voted out not in. The government that sold that land to the Chinese should never have done it and they had to change the rules to do so, but it meant megabucks to the government. The Chinese promised they'd do right, but they didn't, then the government gets voted out (for multiple reasons) and the new government despite disagreeing with the deals of the previous government realises how much money it's worth so they quietly agree to make things even worse for a bit more money. 3-4 years on that government gets voted out and the first one comes back in trying to ignore their own previous fuck ups and focus on the last term of government only. It all gets forgotten and the voting public have a short memory. In the mean time the parties themselves have sacked their leader and spent more time infighting than running the country. All this important shit gets forgotten while the politicians fight themselves, meanwhile the Chinese just keep taking and taking and paying the government when they ask for more to fund the next election.
Holy crap man. Just holy crap. I'll never understand how money can ..cough.. trump natural resources and animal life. In the end when they eventually will have to fix this it's going to cost so much more. P.S. Fuck China.
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Yeah I have no idea what the fix is, not sure if it's as simple as rerouting the irrigation water back into the system and allowing time to fix things or if there is a worse under lying problem but the government definitely wont give up on their big payments from foreign corporations.

Ecological repair is a strange one. A lake we used to fish at most years would open to the sea about this time of year for about 3 months, then close off trapping all the fish inside allowing them to spawn grow and then eventually 12 months on those not caught to swim out to the oceans. One year the lake was late opening and several guys cut a channel with shovels, (which shows how close it was to actually opening naturally) and the government groups, environment protection mobs etc claimed it was a disaster and it would ruin the internal ecosystem for at least seven years. Then a few years later the lake got to dangerous levels, it was risking flooding the wrong areas and the algae bloom was taking over, the bigger fish couldn't get out etc and the same government agencies opened it themselves from a larger gap with an excavator, but apparently that wasn't going to cause ecological damage.
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Haha, jeez. Fucking governments huh?! Love how it's always ok when the government has determined it is. Even when they really haven't. If they screw up oh well. No consequences. If a citizen does it's the end of all.
Anyone that thinks a foreign body is going to care about the welfare of another's ecosystem is sorely mistaken. Especially when that country has shown they care nothing about their own. My parents get a lot of students from China to their house and just they talk shit about the Chinese government non stop lol. No prodding necessary.
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Oh yeah, they are a different breed over there. From an outside perspective to us American's had always appeared patriotic beyond anything else (until recent years where there seems to be the divide). We'd be shown American's willing to die for their country, America's standing with their hands on their hearts etc etc. Where as patriotic in this country seemed to be shorts, a singlet and hitting the beach with a six pack of beer and a portable BBQ, fuck dying for a politician who put us in a war we didn't create. People loved their country just in what appeared to be a different way. Yet we always knew China was a different breed, like Korea, they breed robots, followers, nearly clones who are not game to step out and have an independent thought. I've known a lot of Chinese students (there was more Chinese University students here than Aussie students in the 90's) and they do not step out of line in their own country but geez do some of them make an exception when they come here.

However as I say this is all perspective from what we get shown and told, reality could be completely different, although in China I'm not sure it is. My father in law fled China and changed his entire name to hide from history so it can't be all roses and fluffy pillows.
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Yeah there was time when we were very much like that. But probably not since the 90's for whatever reasons. Probably too many to list lol.
You know there's something to be said for a nation that has never had a free society. How could anyone trust that in any way?
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The weird thing is outside China we all look at it and go "how do they live like that" but inside China most of them are looking out at us wondering the same thing. Some because they know no different, others because they genuinely believe it. I think there is also that human trait, which may not be in everyone but is in enough that assumes my life is better than yours because I grew up here and this society is the best in the world.
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Yeah you're right. It's all of that. I do think a bulk of it is just the iron grip they've been under for hundreds if not thousands of years.
All the ones I've met are so excited to be here it's unbelievable. They're just amazed at the freedom we and they have.
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Yeah I agree. I never met my father in law (died an alcoholic before I met my wife) but he chose a life in one of the hottest parts of this country, where he knew no one, and started a Chinese restaurant working 18 hours a day sweating his guts out cooking for miners and the like under an assumed name to get away from his own country, his family name and whatever else couldn't keep him there. To him this country offered freedom and it's the sort of freedom most people here would think is hell.
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Or something really bad that you've run away from. I know I couldn't work in the kitchen he created for himself, but his recipes are darn good :)
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