The what's going on in Thrash thread

The make up would be different between bands, labels and contracts but from what I know they'd get paid only cents extra per Japanese sale, but it might not even be a figure that band themselves see.

Many contracts would only see the band getting about 10-15% of sales. Then there is also things like marketing, copyright, distribution, legal etc that comes out of it. But the big variation comes from the fact that record companies take their cut first so even if an album was selling for $10, it doesn't mean the bands gets 10-15% of the $10, they often get 10-15% of what's left after the record company takes their share. So instead of the band getting 10-15% of $10 ($1.00-$1.50) they get 10-15% of what could be $8 or $7 (assuming RC commission of 20% or 30% respectively). Therefore it is feasible with current contract that a band could be getting as little as 70 cents and up to about $1.20 for every physical sale.

It does vary a lot between contracts but my guess would be the Japanese releases are deals done with the record company and the Japanese arm of the record companies, or retailing. The band would know before recording they need and extra track and the money as such would be paid as a part of their lump sum contract they get for making the album, unless the song was used as a Japanese single, or had air play at which time they would get broadcast royalties that the record company would take a cut of.

You can only do so much to help your favourite band, and pirating is not helping them, but they aren't retiring at 60 because we all bought their albums, it's the tours, the licensing and the the merchandise that make them the money.
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It's not a exact representation and it does change between bands and companies and the more popular the band the better the bargaining chip but it's round about figures. When it comes to streaming music the band/artist percentage goes up because some of the other parts of the pie get distributed differently but the label always take their 20-30% first.

Albums costs a lot of money and the labels really need to recoup a lot of cash for each album, but they also appear very greedy at times. In some ways you can see why people like Kurdt decide to cut out as many people as he can from taking a slice of the pie. However he's also a good example of why you can't do everything yourself just because you have an ability.
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Yeah it's ok for bands like Metallica and Megadeth, they get mega bucks from all sorts of avenues but smaller bands must really struggle some times..

Makes me wonder how some of those online only bands, or bands that release their stuff free online make money. Bands like Anacrusis obviously sold albums in the early days but now days everything is free, how do they make money? No idea, I don't even think they do gigs, but maybe it's no longer a job for them.

There is an aussie band called Dead Kelly, they release new songs only online and often on Australia Day. They make some really down and dirty metal and some of their videos are mini horror movies, but it wasn't until about 18 months ago they played their first gig. They wear masks, they hide everything, they don't even have their real names published or their location. They have day jobs that make them money so their are obviously not making a living of music, but they are still getting their stuff out there. So it is possible to make music for nothing, but that goes against the idea of getting into a band, getting rich and getting all the chicks.
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It must be love. The guitarist, named Stanley Knife (after the knife Stanley Tool co market here which I think you guys refer to as utility knives or box cutters) lost his index finger at work about 6 months ago and re-taught himself how to play guitar with three fingers rather than kill the band.
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It's the second time they've used that chick in a clip. They started out as a bit of a tribute to Australia, writing songs about aussie things and wearing Aussie flags etc. They still do all that but a lot of their lyrics are a silly.
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You wanna know the strange thing about the Japanese version,you know how most Cd’s these days display the track names on most of what you play it back on.Well I don’t know if it’s normal or really a big deal,but they just read like a normal cdr track 1-13 in this case.Also I played the Burned version that I made against the Japanese version and I swear the Burned version sounds just as good if not a little better which really doesn’t make sense! I mean I’m pretty sure that my hearing isn’t that far gone yet so to me it is a little baffling,and yet another reason why I won’t waste my money on the imports and just wait until they surface! I wonder how much Flotsam reaps from these type of sales?
That is weird. I wonder if they didn't make it compatible with our stuff or if the info just isn't there? Like I said before my PS4 won't even read the thing. I'm not really sure if it's because it's a German label or what the deal is. But I wouldn't think it would be hard for these companies to make it universal play with all the track info!
Good to know that it does sound tight though!
To hop in on what Slammed said. What these bands get paid is fucking criminal. It was awful what they got paid when there actually was record sales. Now it should be illegal!
Now one in the arts gets as fucked as musicians. Probably metal ones in particular.
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Seems to me like it's a turn off to fans of both bands lol. Just a weird weird choice imo.

I have often thought the same thing with some tours. I know promoters sell it as trying to crossover audiences but it's their job to sell it. I suppose it gives some people a chance to go home early :)
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Now one in the arts gets as fucked as musicians. Probably metal ones in particular.

It is generally across the board fucked. Authors generally only get about 10-20% of sales. When it comes to vanity publishers (the ones that ask for several thousand dollars up front to publish) that increases to about 50% in some cases but the big difference for authors is that they can usually get somewhere between 80-100% of sales for self pub/epub depending on contracts. I'm not sure that bands get that much from e-sales/streaming music but I wouldn't mind betting they don't.
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Whoever in the band knows about production and mixing is better than Kurdt lol

They do take their time with production, that song was made back in about November and released last week, but yes their production is head and shoulders over Kurdt and they don't exclude any instruments. Making everything available on line and with lyrics is really cool, but there is a few songs of theirs even I can't get into.
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