The what's going on in Thrash thread

It said this was the full show but it isn't. And I can't find it. I don't get what happened to it.

Seems some of those Wacken shows are disappearing while others are appearing. I remember watching several shows earlier this year that are now only three songs. No idea if that's driven by the record companies or Wacken but the Wacken YT channel doesn't list them and other YT'ers seem to have removed them as well.
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Realistically though auto tune is just a buzz word, there is a hundred other programs out there that studios use or can use that do the same thing auto tune was designed for. Live desks are just as powerful and controllable as studio desks, the producers need to work quicker and on the fly but the things these guys can do is just as impressive, it might not cover every studio trick but they can cover a lot.

Lip syncing sucks no matter who does it. I've hated the fact that so much 'live tv' often makes bands and singers lip sync and it's mostly because the powers that be believe it makes the performance error free. Concert lip syncing sucks too but it's not like that is a wide spread thing and bands/musos caught doing it have been shamed. I've not even a huge fan of backing tapes for live performances, but I bet for every band that has been caught, or suspected of using them there is five bands who haven't been caught and they'll be bands from all genres.

The problem with injecting even a portion of the money that pop gets into metal is that the people offering the money want a return for their upfront generosity. Pick any band and put them on the same level as any huge pop act and that band would have to return the money very quickly, the only way to do that is to put on the big shows, that means selling tickets, that means making a high profile on radio, tv and whatever. To many that's selling out. I think the TV shows like Idol etc prove that any shit can be marketed to success and metal would be no different, but is that what metal fans really want?
I would just like metal to get a fair shake.
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Gary pulls off the psycho look too well some times :)

That is probably a better live performance that I have heard for a while. Everyone appears tight and they appear to be playing as a band.
The whole show is very good. I don't understand where it went. I looked all over. I can find all of it. But it's now all broken into separate songs. Is it someway to get more ads in?
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I would just like metal to get a fair shake.

But what is that shake? Equal money? Equal publicity? Equal fans? To me they all go hand in hand with moving metal away from the underground roots it has been and making it mainstream.
The whole show is very good. I don't understand where it went. I looked all over. I can find all of it. But it's now all broken into separate songs. Is it someway to get more ads in?

Even shows from this years Wacken have had similar happen to them. It could be Wacken TV hoping to monetise their videos by increasing the number and hoping they all get to the number of viewers YT requires before they pay.
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A fair shake would simply be some airplay. I don't care about equal. Maybe they have it in Australia, but not here. There's so many good bands people don't have any idea about.
Some bands might go mainstream. But I don't think a band like slayer or Overkill or others would. They didn't in the 80's- 90's. I don't see why they would now. But they sold a ton more albums with just a little publicity. I don't see a problem with that.
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A fair shake would simply be some airplay. I don't care about equal. Maybe they have it in Australia, but not here. There's so many good bands people don't have any idea about.
Some bands might go mainstream. But I don't think a band like slayer or Overkill or others would. They didn't in the 80's- 90's. I don't see why they would now. But they sold a ton more albums with just a little publicity. I don't see a problem with that.

We don't have metal on the radiol. We don't have any local print magazines (other than free street press that covers everything). We don't have metal on TV, the Dee Sinder thing is the first time I've seen anything remotely close to metal being mentioned on TV here for ages and no one would have seen that anyway.

I guess I just accept that if I want to know about bands I research it myself. Before the net I relied on other people, metal networks and tape traders and back then we did have metal radio segments. It's easier now of course but there is probably 50% of what I listen to which wouldn't even make a dent on the mainstream metal scene. Even if there was some magical fair share offered much of what I listen too wouldn't get it because it would go the bigger bands.
It's fucking lame.

It is if that is what is happening and I think that makes more sense than the labels removing them because I'm sure the labels would remove all, but if clips are posted by WackenTV they still have the option to make money.
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We don't have metal on the radiol. We don't have any local print magazines (other than free street press that covers everything). We don't have metal on TV, the Dee Sinder thing is the first time I've seen anything remotely close to metal being mentioned on TV here for ages and no one would have seen that anyway.

I guess I just accept that if I want to know about bands I research it myself. Before the net I relied on other people, metal networks and tape traders and back then we did have metal radio segments. It's easier now of course but there is probably 50% of what I listen to which wouldn't even make a dent on the mainstream metal scene. Even if there was some magical fair share offered much of what I listen too wouldn't get it because it would go the bigger bands.
I for one would love to be able to turn on the radio and hear some Testament.
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Yeah I doubt it's the labels. If in a case like the Exodus show I'd gladly pay for a copy if they made it available. But they haven't.

It is a mystery but I'd reckon the labels would want all gone, Wacken would want to make as much money as they could if the can get the view rate high enough whereas the bands probably would be happy if they saw any money from it.
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