The what's going on in Thrash thread

Well fuck. I hope this make him put more shirts into production I missed out!

I think he should start a complete range. Copy exactly what the K's did but in reverse (and with the permission of the metal musos) and see how they react to the exact thing done to them.
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The thing I'm not sure about is whether KK thought that enough time had passed and she'd get away with such a comment, or if she really is that stupid and figured no one would pull her up on it. I know overall her/their brand name wont be harmed by such shit and the followers of such are blind morons but it's hard to see why her minders let her get away with such crap.
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Well I suppose when you have billions of fucked in the head people sucking off your every word and brain fart it's easy to get caught up in yourself. It would have been good to see Gary tag Kim in his tweet to see if she reacts.
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I'm a bit surprised there hasn't been more people hit the K's about what they did. Gary and Sharon Osbourne have been vocal and I think Sharon threatened to sue them but little else happened.
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If I remember correctly Sharon threatened (not sure anyone else did) and they agreed to remove Ozzy and Sabbath shirts, not sure if there was an agreement to remove any others from sale though.
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Yeah they probably all got arrangement. You don't wanna get sued by Tallica!

Neither Kirk or Lars can sell their houses apparently so they might be looking for a quick buck from an easy court case.

I remember that BS a few years back where the media reported that Metallica were going to sue some Canadian cover band. Turned out the media were all suckered by the letter of demand that was written by someone not even associated with the band and the band had no idea about the court case.
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It's Overkill day!
Apparently there will also be a video released for Welcome to the Garden State to coincide with the release.
In the meantime here's the latest video in the series they've been doing.

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Guess I haven't been paying attention but I was just looking down the release list for today and Glen Drover's new band Walls Of Blood have their debut out. Can't say I've heard any singles from it and there is a different singer for every song by the look of it including Tim Owens, Todd La Torre and Chuck Billy.
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Oh yeah and Dream Theatre is released today too, although from other parts of this forum word is that album leaked about 4 days ago and so far I haven't seen one person review it so maybe it's not that popular.
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