The what's going on in Thrash thread

I suppose it was a much bigger hit to take for bands like JP that always had air play than for bands like Testament that only had a brief stint on radio and Mtv. But whether Jp's decline was because of the times or because Rob was gone I'm not sure.

I'm sure JP lost fans because of Rob's departure just like they did when KK left. I'm sure people refused to listen to Tim's JP albums because they didn't like him from his previous bands. I'm also saw he brought fans with him. It might be harder to pin point exactly what the problems were but I would still reckon one of the biggest impacts of the time was Napster and the free music generation. Whatever happened to JP at the time wasn't all Tim's fault, the albums he made are far from terrible and far from the worst of the time.
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Tim had bands before JP? I mean bands that were signed? I didn't know that. But I agree, it's kind of like the Queensryche situation. People just want to hate on it because it's not the Ryche they grew up with. Never mind that they are still putting stuff out that is better than many bands. And also Rob didn't ruin JP the way Geoff ruined Ryche. The last twenty or so years with Tate was awful.

It just seems like a weird thing to be sponsored by for a metal guy. Seems more like a WWE kind of thing. But ch$ng is ch$ng I guess lol
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He was in at least two bands, whether they were signed I don't know but he had those bands and many gigs under his belt before he was leading the JP cover band JP found him in. He's definitely done more since coming out of JP and some of it is good, but none of it is like JP.

I would reckon there is a shitload more sponsorship going on than you realise. Sure we see Metallica selling watches and Van Halen selling shoes and every band selling alcohol but just like some guys get their guitars or kits for free there would be clothing contracts, food contracts, drinks contracts. Maybe not everyone but it will be there.

I listened to the news Queensryche single on Bravewords today, I wasn'r overly impressed.
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It's not really sponsorship I find weird. It's what is sponsored. Monster just seems weird and white trashy. But things like selling band branded shoes and alcohol isn't exactly the same as just wearing someone else's company name. To me anyway. But really who cares lol.

I haven't listened to the new Ryche song yet and honestly haven't been all that excited about what I have heard. but it still beats the shit out of the last 20 plus years with Tate.
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I have seen Monster banners on a lot of live videos from the US and Europe. I figured it was actually a popular drink. Those energy drinks are big in this country but mainly with the pop crowd, because most metal gigs are over 18's gig ours are mostly booze sponsored. If the banners are out over the crowd it's usually the venue sponsored, if they are near the stage it's the band. Even a band like Alestorm are/have been sponsored by Malteasers (chocolate balls) which America had no idea about until the band hit the road in the US and was throwing them out of the tour bus. Brand placement is a massive thing these days, it's even in novels, hard to assume it's not in metal musicians.

I really haven't followed Queensryche ever and would only ever pick a few of their songs to hear again, but it was a slow news day on the usual sites and after reading Gene Simmons call people a bitch the Queensryche video was all that I had left.
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I know Monster was very popular when it came out when there weren't energy drinks everywhere. And they probably do sponsor a lot of festivals.
Now if there was a special Ripper addition of Monster I might have a different take on it lol. But like I said, whatever lol. Just something that looks weird to me.

I was really into Ryche when Empire came out and then I got into Mindcrime and really liked it. I thought Promised Land was really good and I even like a bunch on Hear In The Now Frontier. I don't like too much of the earlier stuff. I find songs like Queen Of The Ryche and The Lady Wore Black kind of cheesy, but there are some gems in there. But they just kept getting lamer and lamer and less edgy and the whole cabaret thing. They just sucked for a long time and it was pretty much all Tate..and his wife running the show. Honestly I think they need to stop trying to appease the people that are always complaining about DeGarmo and Tate. They aren't buying anyway and won't like it no matter what. They are like caught between evolving into a heavier band and trying to keep that old sound for the haters.
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You know that Gene thing erked me. Because it sounds like he's saying someone who works 50 plus hours a week and has most of his money go to taxes and bills and kids doesn't deserve the money if he wins the lottery. We can't all get rich from putting on face paint and having an extra long tongue lol
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I'm used to looking out for sponsorship. I've run a lot of sponsored campaigns, used product placement and created a lot of advertising for many different products and I'm always looking out for who is paying the bills. Sometimes it's subtle and some times it's obvious but the techniques interest me so seeing someone where a drink shirt and hat to me is more of a question of how did it happen not whether or not the product is a good one.

I don't think I was even into them that much, I don't own any of their albums but my brother does and I have listened to them. I don't know any of the band or what they have done in recent years but the time around Operation Mindcrime was probably the time I know best.
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You know that Gene thing erked me. Because it sounds like he's saying someone who works 50 plus hours a week and has most of his money go to taxes and bills and kids doesn't deserve the money if he wins the lottery. We can't all get rich from putting on face paint and having an extra long tongue lol

I laughed at it because I agree but I don't think he was saying the guy who wins doesn't deserve it just that he didn't work for it.. A guy who wins the lotto didn't work for the win he bought a ticket, that's not saying he hasn't worked his arse off in his time but he walked in bought a ticket and luck was on his side. Then next thing the media want to talk to him and throw streamers at him. Gene works for his dollar and all people want to say is he does it for greed. Fuck that even if greed is motivating him he still works his arse off to earn the money and a lot of other people make money from him. The fact that the original interview in was in the Wall Street Journal and was about money and how much the tour was going to make to me also suggests he was taken way out of context. He wasn't in Cleo telling everyone he's rich, he was in a business news paper talking about how much money his business makes.
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I agree it does have an interesting side to it.

They did one of the best Mtv unplugged I've ever seen.

I'd love the money that it would cost to even afford to pay Ripper to sell something of mine.

I doubt I saw it, we don't have much MTV and I don't think I'd have ever watched it knowing that it was Queensryche
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I laughed at it because I agree but I don't think he was saying the guy who wins doesn't deserve it just that he didn't work for it.. A guy who wins the lotto didn't work for the win he bought a ticket, that's not saying he hasn't worked his arse off in his time but he walked in bought a ticket and luck was on his side. Then next thing the media want to talk to him and throw streamers at him. Gene works for his dollar and all people want to say is he does it for greed. Fuck that even if greed is motivating him he still works his arse off to earn the money and a lot of other people make money from him. The fact that the original interview in was in the Wall Street Journal and was about money and how much the tour was going to make to me also suggests he was taken way out of context. He wasn't in Cleo telling everyone he's rich, he was in a business news paper talking about how much money his business makes.
Well he still worked for the money to buy the ticket lol. It's a crap shoot ya know? I'm happy for working class or poor people that win. I'd love it if my friend won, he works his ass off and is a great dad. But yes he may very well have been taken out of context. There are a few things I don't like about Gene, but his work ethic and ability to take advantage of a situation aren't among them.
Well he still worked for the money to buy the ticket lol. It's a crap shoot ya know? I'm happy for working class or poor people that win. I'd love it if my friend won, he works his ass off and is a great dad. But yes he may very well have been taken out of context. There are a few things I don't like about Gene, but his work ethic and ability to take advantage of a situation aren't among them.

I don't have a problem with winning the money and I don't think Gene does either, I think he was more taking a shot at the way the media and public treat someone who does that yet someone like him who works for it gets called greedy. If he'd have been talking make up tips with Cleo, or he was sitting in a pub and someone whipped out a 20 and he said "I'll make 200 million" then I think the arrogance and greed might well have been justified but in this case I think he was miss quoted and the Internet just jumped straight into hate mode, which is so unlike the internet.
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I thought this series was over with the album coming out but apparently not.

It's an interesting perspective they have on it all. I wonder if they felt the same throughout the time as they do now or whether they have matured and started thinking differently, because there didn't appear to be too many bands thinking that way when it happened, they were either vocally against or remained silent.
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I don't have a problem with winning the money and I don't think Gene does either, I think he was more taking a shot at the way the media and public treat someone who does that yet someone like him who works for it gets called greedy. If he'd have been talking make up tips with Cleo, or he was sitting in a pub and someone whipped out a 20 and he said "I'll make 200 million" then I think the arrogance and greed might well have been justified but in this case I think he was miss quoted and the Internet just jumped straight into hate mode, which is so unlike the internet.
I don't really hear that problem with anyone but Gene lol. I also think that if Gene won the lottery he'd call himself a genius. I paid one dollar to win a hundred million. why wouldn't I? That's smart. lol

Have you ever seen Gene's show? Family Jewels.
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I thought this series was over with the album coming out but apparently not.

It's an interesting perspective they have on it all. I wonder if they felt the same throughout the time as they do now or whether they have matured and started thinking differently, because there didn't appear to be too many bands thinking that way when it happened, they were either vocally against or remained silent.

Gotta watch in a few :headbang:
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I don't really hear that problem with anyone but Gene lol. I also think that if Gene won the lottery he'd call himself a genius. I paid one dollar to win a hundred million. why wouldn't I? That's smart. lol

I reckon if he won the lottery he'd definitely gloat but I don't think he'd make it personal like so many people seem to. He'd be the guy that would rattle off a story about how the numbers came to him in 1979 while some chick was blowing him back stage at some gig and he never felt the urge to use them, then bang he used them once and winning the lottery is so damn easy it's amazing that people play such games for life.
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