The what's going on in Thrash thread

Too many lol. They shouldn't be allowed on mic!

When I used to watch a bit of motor racing and rugby I always thought they picked the stupidest people with the least idea to do the commentary and interviews. But it appears it's not just in sport, it must actually be the microphone.
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There is more information in the link within that article but fucking hell that's a lot of money. Obviously the bands don't see all that money but under most agreements they see a higher percentage from streams than they do physical releases but that is a massive amount of streaming money. Given that sites like bandcamp and others are essentially streaming services, even if they are pay once, streaming that figure is probably a lot higher than estimated too.
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Considering it's three major labels that mostly deal in commercial music I guess I am surprised and not surprised? I doubt our bands see much of anything. Unfortunately. It'd be interesting to know exactly what it is for the average metal band and label though.
That is a fuck ton of money.
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There is plenty of reports floating around about how music price is divvied up and what the bands get and in general the figures seem to sit somewhere between 15-25% for physical sales and between 50-70% for electronic/streaming.
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That sounds way more than anything I've heard. But I don't keep up on that kind of stuff. And I'm sure it depends on the artist and if they have agents looking out for them.
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There was an article last year (I think Bladder or Bravewords linked it) talking about break down of where money goes for sales, it was generic and across the board but in general claimed labels don't vary much based on genres or popularity, the figures all come out in a similar range.

There was another article speaking to the CEO's of Naplam, Metal Blade and Nuclear, as well as others like Sony etc, in one of those business insider webzines that also talked similar figures. They talked about how streaming sales have changed and some labels and bands got caught unaware, but with the popularity of such sales increasing they quickly followed each other and wrote new contracts. The lack of publicity, not needing a physical copy made and the easy of which it can be distributed all lead to band's agents and lawyers demanding a greater slice of the pie.
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That would really surprise me. A label like Sony or whoever pays the same to a small metal band as they would a pop person who is getting way more streams? Is that what you mean? Everyone gets an equal share? or no?
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Yeah from what I've read it's relatively equal just like the percentage of physical sales is and always has been. The labels make money from every part of the sale be it streaming or physical. Slugging a band that only has 1000 streams 90% while only taking 50% of a band because they have a 1,000,000 streams is a penalty bands would not take when it came to renegotiations because it costs the labels next to nothing to produce a streaming track.

There will be variations in deals and some may negotiate a higher percentage from physical sales for a lesser percentage of electronic, similarly there will be artists who go the other way.
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Book deals are very similar. One author I know went through a massive renegotiation process to allow herself to self publish and publish with her publisher in the same year. The hoops they jump through are different but the end result is pretty much the same.
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