The what's going on in Thrash thread

Isn't the Hendrix thing something set up by Dave anyway?
I must admit to not taking much notice of it before now but I assumed it was organised either by Dave or at least in part by Dave and therefore there is a good reason for him being there.
I wasn't ever a huge fan of Hendrix, I don't deny he was influential to many and played like no other from his time but I couldn't name more than two or three of his songs I don't think.
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I had one mate growing up who was Hendrix mad (which I thought was strange for a bass player) and my cousin was doing the behind head solo and mouth solo thing by the time he was 14 but I just never found anything in Hendrix that compelled me to buy his stuff. I think that added to the fact that Dave's being so annoying with the new album stuff I just totally ignored the Hendrix thing he was advertising thinking it was just another thing holding up a new album.
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Well if they wouldn't talk about it all the time with zero progress you might no be so annoyed. It's really their fault.

It was really only around 23 or so that I got any appreciation for him. Before that it was just old hippy rock that I had no interest in and only knew because of classic rock radio. He was more a symbol than an actual person. It was cool to wear Hendrix stuff because of what the image represented. Not sure how many of those kids actually listened to him. Actually it was so many people covering Little Wing that got me more appreciation for what he did. I figured if Stevie Ray Vaughn was covering it there must be something there. I did always like the Watchtower song..I think that's a Dylon song. But I don't like Dylon's lol.

Some guy on blabber cut on Dave saying something like what does a metal guy know about playing soul. Hendrix ain't soul lol. He's the original acid rock!
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Oh yeah I blame them totally :)

I don't think I hated Jimi and I did like the Woodstock era of music but I guess it was a bit like AC/DC for me. I liked the band, liked the music but when Angus was doing a huge solo every song I got a bit sick of seeing it.

But he's black it must all be about soul :)
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Yeah I remember reading something similar. It's not overly surprising. Black music of the 50's and 60's was very soul driven and even if it could be argued that Jimi had soul (because all black people do :p ) it's hard to argue that his music was soul driven. He didn't have the big voice elements and the larger than life persona that seemed to go with soul singers.
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Soul just doesn't have that rock element to it. If someone plays some rock and then some soul, there's a pretty clear difference.
It's like the groove metal label, because you have some groove doesn't mean you're a groove band and playing with soul doesn't mean you're a soul group lol. Oh but I'm probably crossing some line by having an opinion on it :eek:
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I remember hearing something on TV a few weeks back (and I'll show how much attention I was paying). It was some music award show and some white girl sung a tribute to some old black soul woman, they were both noted people even thought I can't remember their names, but the white chick got canned for her performance because she "was the wrong choice". No one gave a shit that a white girl did a Dolly Parton song, but the white famous girl couldn's sing black.
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Just don't get boot polish and paint your face with it, you don't get any soul from it, but you do upset a lot of people.
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I kind of understand the whole black face thing being offensive to some of America but it blows me away how people in this country react. Every year when the sports codes have their end of year get drunk and do stupid things parties someone always has to dress up with a black face and every time the media have to act like it's the worst thing a noted sports person could do. We had one footballer last year paint his face black and he dressed as Kayne and his missus dressed as Kim Kardashian. The media went fucking ape shit because it was offensive to slaves in America.
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Headed down to Norwalk Ct. early tomorrow to catch our old hometown band Liege Lord With Leeway Of all bands in support.Gotta turn right around to come home to plow on Sunday thank god for the tunes!Normally I probably wouldn’t go,but some old so called friends are going to be there and my brother said they want me to go so fuck it I haven’t seen a show for a while.
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