The what's going on in Thrash thread

Asked how long it usually takes him to write a complete song, Mustaine said: "I wish there was an average.

For fucks sake Dave so do we, so do we.
At that moment that average seems to be about 3 months.
I never really understood how In My Darkest hour was about Cliff. Now I see his tweet below the article and I'm even more confused. How can the music be a tribute to Cliff's death but the lyrics not follow suit lol.

Three months a song seems about right!
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Maybe he remembers that it was his darkest hour and he did write a song and that was enough to put the pieces together that it was all for Cliff.
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To me the lyrics do kind of read like someone hurting but they also come across as confused. I do wonder if he did sit down to write the lyrics and it was a perfect storm of emotions type thing. He was upset at Cliff's death, upset that no one told him, upset that someone he thought of as a friend was gone and he did all that probably drug fucked. What came out was a bunch of things he wanted to say about different topics but they came out in a jumbled order and he thought it made a good song because of the state he was in.
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I don't know, the lyrics to me (as I understand them) are about pain and loss. But to a bad relationship with a woman. I could be wrong. But if so it just seems like a weird thing to do. To combine the music inspired by a tragic death with one of a bad girlfriend lol. But it's still one of my favorite songs.
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I agree and that's why I wonder if it was a bunch of things like emotions, drugs and maybe even image that had him change things to sound that way. The loss is evident and it doesn't seem like he's talking about a close mate but maybe it couldn't be expressed that way, kind of like Kiss' Beth which was original called Beck.
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Lets just see what he comes up with before we start claiming the coolness of any song :)

No Peter wrote it before he was in Kiss. When he was in the band Chelsea one of the other guy's girl friends was always calling him to come home. her name was Becky. Rumours exists as to who asked him to change it. Paul likes to say he was responsible because he didn't want people to think it was a song about Jeff Beck. But the favoured story is that Lydia Criss asked him to change it when he left the band. There is a bootleg of him singing the words Beck.
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I first heard the Paul rumour and I have heard Paul say it giving himself, or both he and Gene credit for the idea of the change because of Jeff Beck. I haven't heard Gene say it, but it makes more sense that Lydia said it given that it was a song with his previous band and about someone not at all related to KISS
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I think they've always sound really good live. I think the problem was that they were barely touring at all for a number of years. It was just sporadic shows. But also you're right. AK is more excited than he's been in years and Gilbert has finally found his metal again. Plus the new guys are really bringing it and I think all that energy is really being transferred live in a very big way. Not that the last line up wasn't great. They were. but for whatever reason AK is gelling with this more and want's to tour more and they are really bringing it.
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I also assume that some of the NAMM gear is not theirs which shows they can make anything sound good.
Of course I could be talking out my arse, but I would have thought those shared stages would have things like drum kits, amps, sound guys etc supplied and the band just plays with what they are given. But I haven't even been to such a show so I don't really know how it works.
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Yeah I think you're very right. I don't imagine NAMM has everyone bringing in gear and doing set ups and everything. I guess it's possible they have their own guitars and bass. But pretty sure everything else is supplied. I wish Maiden would take them on tour. That would be great.
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Yeah they would make a good pair. Bruce and the boys probably need a rest though. They've been touring for ages and they are getting old.
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The other day I read an interview with the guy from Anvil. And he was crying again about not catching a break. and if you didn't get to open for Ozzy or Metallica you went nowhere. Well lots of bands didn't and don't get that break. They aren't crying. And his shitty band doesn't deserve it anyway. A band like Flotsam does.
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Yeah I read the same article. I figured every band needs their gimmick and I'm pretty sure theirs is a whinny little bitch of a lead singer who blames everyone else for his lack of success.
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