The what's going on in Thrash thread

Oh ok, thanks for not making me read it again!

It was the gig Slayer headlined with support from people like Bonnie Tyler. I remember thinking at the time how weird the line up was. I wonder if Bonnie got paid.

Still it's good to see some other country getting in trouble for it now. I think the Soundwave rip off a few years ago was probably bigger because they left about 15 bands unpaid and I believe some still haven't been paid, but Australia doesn't need all the glory for ripping off artists.
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It was the gig Slayer headlined with support from people like Bonnie Tyler. I remember thinking at the time how weird the line up was. I wonder if Bonnie got paid.

Still it's good to see some other country getting in trouble for it now. I think the Soundwave rip off a few years ago was probably bigger because they left about 15 bands unpaid and I believe some still haven't been paid, but Australia doesn't need all the glory for ripping off artists.
Lol I have no idea who Bonnie Tyler is!

I think this kind of thing is just going to keep happening more and more.
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Lol I have no idea who Bonnie Tyler is!

I think this kind of thing is just going to keep happening more and more.

Seriously? She sung Total Eclipse Of The Heart. She's pop music at best but in her day she could have given pretty much any metal singer a run for their money when it comes to powerful vocals.

I suppose we only hear of the big ones, even this one is 9 months old and it's the first I have heard of it. I'm sure there is plenty of unscrupulous promoters/organisers out there who do rip off people, but it does take a certain prick to do it on such a large scale.

I remember back in the 90's when I was IT admin at the government department that handled all welfare type payments. They made a big deal about how 'secure' we had to be and we had to have some of the highest security clearances in the country. They pounded the security into us and it would have been easy to throw money around in the wrong accounts. But the reality was it wasn't ever us grunts that caught dipping their fingers, it was the managers who already got paid a huge amount ripping the system off for millions. Seems like things haven't changed that much, the pricks greedy enough to do it are always greedy enough to do it on the biggest scale possible.
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Seriously? She sung Total Eclipse Of The Heart. She's pop music at best but in her day she could have given pretty much any metal singer a run for their money when it comes to powerful vocals.

I suppose we only hear of the big ones, even this one is 9 months old and it's the first I have heard of it. I'm sure there is plenty of unscrupulous promoters/organisers out there who do rip off people, but it does take a certain prick to do it on such a large scale.

I remember back in the 90's when I was IT admin at the government department that handled all welfare type payments. They made a big deal about how 'secure' we had to be and we had to have some of the highest security clearances in the country. They pounded the security into us and it would have been easy to throw money around in the wrong accounts. But the reality was it wasn't ever us grunts that caught dipping their fingers, it was the managers who already got paid a huge amount ripping the system off for millions. Seems like things haven't changed that much, the pricks greedy enough to do it are always greedy enough to do it on the biggest scale possible.
Oh ok, lol. I do know that song. It's been so long since I heard the name that it didn't even register. I didn't know she was still around.

Yeah man, it's always the higher ups that ruin shit!
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Oh ok, lol. I do know that song. It's been so long since I heard the name that it didn't even register. I didn't know she was still around.

Yeah man, it's always the higher ups that ruin shit!

I didn't know she was still around either but I remember seeing the bill poster for the Iceland gig and while her together with Slayer seemed odd the rest of the bands on the bill also didn't fit into a single genre either.

I don't even know what happened to AJ who ran Soundwave. There was talk the year after it went broke, which was three years after he started ripping the bands off, that he was going to run another one. I think sanity prevailed and someone else stood up and created some new festivals but what AJ is doing now that he owes millions is anyone's guess, although I wouldn't mind he's living a higher life than me.
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I didn't know she was still around either but I remember seeing the bill poster for the Iceland gig and while her together with Slayer seemed odd the rest of the bands on the bill also didn't fit into a single genre either.

I don't even know what happened to AJ who ran Soundwave. There was talk the year after it went broke, which was three years after he started ripping the bands off, that he was going to run another one. I think sanity prevailed and someone else stood up and created some new festivals but what AJ is doing now that he owes millions is anyone's guess, although I wouldn't mind he's living a higher life than me.
If he's smart he's staying as low as possible. I wouldn't think he could get backers after something like that.
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If he's smart he's staying as low as possible. I wouldn't think he could get backers after something like that.

The fact that he had the balls to come out and try to run it the year after the shit went down says a lot. The biggest problem was that while he was responsible for Soundwave he had his hand in nearly every major festival we had. Soundwave by the look of his was his cash cow, the one he knew he could rip off, the rest he just worked for, but he did have an unbelievable amount of pull in the industry. Not many places are talking about him now so chances are he's fallen out of the limelight and does things behind the scene where people don't see him.
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Never been a fan of graphic novels, my interests died when they were still called comics and Archie and Jughead were cool kids :) This isn't making me any more excited.

Looks like Dave is walking with a hunch in the video, he's looking old and has done for a while, but his shoulders look really slouched in one of the scenes.
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