The what's going on in Thrash thread

I read his official message on FB and I know the power of positive thinking will have him hopeful but to me his words suggest more than just hope that he gets through it. He's cancelling shows, but he's still going to be part of the cruise and he's not talking about delaying the album. Live shows would knock the hell out of his voice but the constant repartition of singing in the studio would be pretty hard too. With the success rates his doctor is talking and the fact he's not pulling out of the studio I think Dave's more than just positive I think he convinced he's going to beat it and that can only be a good thing.
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Oh shit don't go mentioning Bruce in the comments. That fuckwit with his cut and paste message about Bruce's clean living will respond!

It's good to see so many people actually supporting Dave and not laying the boots in. I'm sure he doesn't give a crap that people hate him but for once Blabber hasn't live up to it's norm and just created a cesspit of shit.

Good to see some of the pictures in the second article Blabber did from other musos wishing Dave good luck. The pic of Dave and Gary looks like Gary is fanboi-ing
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There is one guy on the original post (Dave's announcement) who has responded about 15 times to people saying that Bruce survived so Dave can with a cut and paste message about how Bruce lived cleaner than Dave and that had to have something to do with his success but good luck to Dave anyway. It's a weird thought to compare two people with cancer that none of us really know the extent of but if anyone can Blabber can! I do remember Bruce having words to say after he was given the all clear about how disappointed he was with those who chose to continually judge him and his sexual efforts based on the fact he had throat cancer. Thankfully at the moment the same shit isn't being spoken about Dave.

There was a few commentors suggesting they were waiting for that man/girl thing to arrive, but it looks like it/he/she has stayed clear. I would say there will be more band things to come. Not sure why Dean Guitars gets their own post on Blabber when all the peon musos got lumped in s single thread though.
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Oh, I missed those somehow lol. Gotta love the cut and paste people. Because we wouldn't want to miss their wisdom!
I do remember Bruce being a little pissed about all the people talking about how he got cancer. More doctors. Making a few jokes is one thing, but to run with it every single time there is an article with it is just weird. Like a bunch of gossipy school girls.

I did see the one guy who couldn't wait to take a swipe at Electra for making a social media post about her dad. Like he was just waiting to get in there first.

Edit: Yeah that Dan Maler is real Dbag.
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Well from what I remember about Bruce's condition one cause could have been related to preforming oral sex, it wasn't the only cause, it was far from even a short listed cause, but certain people in the media and many internet legends blamed only that. Then some took it further and claimed he cheated on his wife. That's a seriously fucked up individual who can make that connection about someone they don't actually know.

The internet is a weird place. Even the comments about Michael Sweet fucking off with his god solutions for Dave are weird. I don't care about Michael Sweet or Stryper or their faith, if they want to have it good luck to them and maybe Dave shares similar thoughts. But to shit on Sweet who really only offered his prayers to Dave seems way over the top, especially when Jnr's message was not so much different and no one kicked him in the balls for it.
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That guy just has dick comments on everything. I don't what his problem is. He's always throwing shit out of nowhere. For sure one of the biggest losers on Blabber.

It's funny to see him making comments about being a 'white band' given that they have not been active for so long. I hope in fairness he's attacking all those other white bands. While he's at it there is bands in Mexico only populated with Mexican's. There is bands in Japan only populated by Japanese and those bloody German bands and their German musicians are just out of control! I guess the guy deserves some points for creativity, he didn't attack the song like other posters did, he created an entire new argument.
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Lol, yeah he should bashing just about everyone. I honestly think he's pissed about their political views and so now he's posing as a liberal and trying to make it out like they are hypocrites and not liberal enough. When he's really a butt heart conservative.
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I'm so behind when it comes to left/right political stuff. Half the time unless a song says something obvious like "Trump is a dick" or "Putin Rules" I don't immediately associate it with only one side of politics. Some songs are quite obvious but even with those I often don't hear the political message, or assume it's written about all politicians.
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