The what's going on in Thrash thread

Oh good lord. That should have been banned as prerequisite for helping.

The teenybopper love crap has been creeping into this place for a while now mainly driven by my wife, it's like her taste has got worse in the last few years. As much as I don't like bands like Three Days Grace I can put up with them without feeling my brain melt because there is some guitar and drums there, but this pop music shit with 20 something boys coming out of the closet and singing about how fucking hard life is and how much they love something is fucking depressing.

"Yes it's me I'm 22 years old I've lived a hard life of heartbreak and pain. Love has eluded me and my heart gets broken when you are near. lalalalalala" change the beat, change the tune you've got 15 top 40 songs by the same fucking teenybopper. To be fair bands like Three Days Grace sing the same shit, they just have a guitar behind them, and if they had feedback and face paint they'd be black metal!! :)
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Yeah I've never been a pop fan. I grew up on 60's and 70's stuff, some of it was the precursor to Metal/hard rock, a lot of it wasn't. But Rock N Roll has always been better than that manufactured pop shit. Even the Monkees, as manufactured as they were, were better than the shit that comes out these days.
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Nah I listened to that interview with Gene last week. Drummers are what makes a band a band, without them you don't have a band so pay drummers lots of money!
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Death Angel had a short set at Graspop too. I think their set was only 35 minutes. Gotta be hard to showcase a new album and your old stuff in that time.
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:rofl::kickass: Zero conflict there!

Yeah none at all :)
His point probably has some validity but lets face it everything can be done electronically now days so everyone is actually replaceable. They should just employ computer programmers :)
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Fear Factory actually replaced Gene with a drum machine so we best not mention anything related to the above to him :)
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Nah Mechanize with Gene was 2010 then The Industrialist was 2012. They may have used drum machines before Gene but they still had a drummer, The Industrialist was a drum programmer.
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FF's album was the only album Gene did in 2010 and 2011, (he might have been on tour I haven't looked that closely), in 2012 when their next album came out Gene did Brandon Small's Glakitkon, Testament, Dethklok, Pitch Black Forecast, Meldrum and Memorain (which in it's past included James Murphy and Nick Menza) so he was pretty damn busy. Maybe it was a time thing, or maybe the guys in FF just didn't want to pay Gene.
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I was never a fan but I remember at the time the band claimed it wasn't a pay thing and that they were experimenting, but the few gigs they did with a drum program were not received well so they got a drummer in pretty quickly.

Nah James did solos on their first or second album in 2003ish, Nick was about 2006 and Gene was 2012. I don't know Memorian (or the guy who started it) that well but they've had 7 drummers and 8 albums so it appears it's one of those bands with one guy and a vision and he just plays with who he can get. It's listed as Speed/Groove/Thrash.
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I don't know why anyone in metal would use a drum machine other than what it was originally for. Screwing around and demos. And amateurs in their bedrooms.

I'm going to have to look some Memorian up.
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Yeah it's something I wouldn't have thought about being part of metal. I suppose a few bands have used them for different reasons but I don't know of too many popular bands who have done it.

The guy that seems to be Memorian is Greek, not sure if the lyrics are Greek. Jnr wrote the lyrics to a song called Rules Of Engagement on the Evolution album Gene played on. He also played bass on two tracks while Steve DiGiorgio did bass on the rest of the songs.

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