The what's going on in Thrash thread

Yeah I don't get it either. It's like iTunes. It seems like someone should have taken that simple format and just not been the dicks they are and cleaned up but no one really has.

Stop swearing at me!! :p I removed all traces of iTunes when my last free iPod died a few years ago and my computers have been virus free since :)

Microsoft get shit canned for bloatware with all their products but iTunes is terrible for bloatware, how people ever took a shine to it is beyond me. When I first got an ipod I used third party programs to update it but even those third part programs really only removed the front end, iTunes and the Bonjure back end which was where all the bloat was still had to be installed. Moving to $30 mp3 players for music (which is all I used iTunes for) was the best move ever.
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I ended up going to their youtube because it said I needed an adobe update and I was lazy. But I liked it and also didn't remember the song. So I'm a little pissed it slipped by me. I look forward to the re releases.

It would be good to see them play the stuff live. I don't know that they played to many gigs back in the day.
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Stop swearing at me!! :p I removed all traces of iTunes when my last free iPod died a few years ago and my computers have been virus free since :)

Microsoft get shit canned for bloatware with all their products but iTunes is terrible for bloatware, how people ever took a shine to it is beyond me. When I first got an ipod I used third party programs to update it but even those third part programs really only removed the front end, iTunes and the Bonjure back end which was where all the bloat was still had to be installed. Moving to $30 mp3 players for music (which is all I used iTunes for) was the best move ever.
Lol it is pretty obscene isn't it?!
The only reason I use it at all is to put my discs on it. I have an ipod but it was given to me so fuck it lol. If it goes though I'll get 3rd party.
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Lol it is pretty obscene isn't it?!
The only reason I use it at all is to put my discs on it. I have an ipod but it was given to me so fuck it lol. If it goes though I'll get 3rd party.

I only had free ipods my wife brought home from lost property at work and I used it for the same thing. At first I thought it was a reasonable way to catalogue things and kind of accepted what it was, but after a while I realised how many silly little quirks it had. All that syncing and making play lists etc become annoying. All I really wanted was to rip my music into mp3, store them under the name of the album and either listen to them when the computer was on or copy them on to a music player.

I had a program called ipodshare I think which treated an ipod just like a normal music player and added it to any file manager like a USB drive or mp3 player rather than running iTunes. I thought it worked quite well until I deleted iTunes and it stopped working. Sure it didn't need iTunes to do what it did but it needed 90% of the files the iTunes package came with. Essentially it was little more than a basic GUI which made things look different.

If I'm to be really fair iPods have too much in them for my needs. I don't need video, cameras, web browsers, internet and whatever else I just want something that plays music files.
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I like it. The riffs remind me of Testament's The Numbers Game.
Funny people arguing over who invented the heavy groove power riff. Exhorder or Pantera. I thought it was Black Sabbath :p

When Exhorder announced that they were coming back and the blabber article claimed they invented the heavy groove that created Pantera I just laughed. It's good to see Blabber doesn't let up with such comparisons and that the people don't let up with their expert comments.

I made the mistake of reading the comments of the Sharon Vs Bob Dailsy thing on Blabber yesterday and although I knew I shouldn't have I just couldn't stop myself. But I did get a great laugh. We all know Sharon is a shrewd woman who would do anything for a dollar, she'd happily admit that and I suppose as a band manager she has to be shrewd, her old man taught her well. We also know all the stories about who has taken them to court and sued either successfully on unsuccessfully but those Blabber commentors just know no bounds. I'm sure Sharon doesn't care that a few people on the internet call her bad names, she might even agree with them but the fact that these dicks claim to know intimate details of what Sharon has done, intimate details of deals she did or didn't make with some players and all sorts of other stuff just amazes me. But what amazes me even more is how they all just agree with with each other, even when they disagree with each other it only takes one more comment and they suddenly agree again. It's just amazing all world wars should be fought on blabber!

As for the comments these idiots came up with about Randy and what he was going to do if he didn't die, who he was going to tell off, how he was going to do something and who he hated, that shit is just beyond words.
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I only had free ipods my wife brought home from lost property at work and I used it for the same thing. At first I thought it was a reasonable way to catalogue things and kind of accepted what it was, but after a while I realised how many silly little quirks it had. All that syncing and making play lists etc become annoying. All I really wanted was to rip my music into mp3, store them under the name of the album and either listen to them when the computer was on or copy them on to a music player.

I had a program called ipodshare I think which treated an ipod just like a normal music player and added it to any file manager like a USB drive or mp3 player rather than running iTunes. I thought it worked quite well until I deleted iTunes and it stopped working. Sure it didn't need iTunes to do what it did but it needed 90% of the files the iTunes package came with. Essentially it was little more than a basic GUI which made things look different.

If I'm to be really fair iPods have too much in them for my needs. I don't need video, cameras, web browsers, internet and whatever else I just want something that plays music files.
Yeah same here. I will never use 99% of what either iTunes or the ipod do. I just want to listen to my music!
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Haha! y
When Exhorder announced that they were coming back and the blabber article claimed they invented the heavy groove that created Pantera I just laughed. It's good to see Blabber doesn't let up with such comparisons and that the people don't let up with their expert comments.

I made the mistake of reading the comments of the Sharon Vs Bob Dailsy thing on Blabber yesterday and although I knew I shouldn't have I just couldn't stop myself. But I did get a great laugh. We all know Sharon is a shrewd woman who would do anything for a dollar, she'd happily admit that and I suppose as a band manager she has to be shrewd, her old man taught her well. We also know all the stories about who has taken them to court and sued either successfully on unsuccessfully but those Blabber commentors just know no bounds. I'm sure Sharon doesn't care that a few people on the internet call her bad names, she might even agree with them but the fact that these dicks claim to know intimate details of what Sharon has done, intimate details of deals she did or didn't make with some players and all sorts of other stuff just amazes me. But what amazes me even more is how they all just agree with with each other, even when they disagree with each other it only takes one more comment and they suddenly agree again. It's just amazing all world wars should be fought on blabber!

As for the comments these idiots came up with about Randy and what he was going to do if he didn't die, who he was going to tell off, how he was going to do something and who he hated, that shit is just beyond words.
Hahaha yeah, I guess it only takes one drop of water to change the direction of a river....or one turd to change the direction of a sewer.
That stuff about Randy was the best. So many experts. How anyone could possibly claim to know what he was going to do is stupid. And the disrespect of Ozzy. Holy crap. I know he does what Sharon says and maybe he should and should have take a bigger hand in things and that he's had a lot of help in writing songs but they act like he's nothing. Melodies aren't nothing. And neither is the name Ozzy. It's because of his name those people are known and have had careers.
But still a very cunty thing to say. They're probably not far from the same age. And Bob did more than just those two albums. She's lived pretty well with his help.
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Yeah same here. I will never use 99% of what either iTunes or the ipod do. I just want to listen to my music!

My phone is the same. It makes phone calls, sends text messages and these days I use it as a music player away from home, but I don't need all the other shit on it.
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Haha! y

Hahaha yeah, I guess it only takes one drop of water to change the direction of a river....or one turd to change the direction of a sewer.
That stuff about Randy was the best. So many experts. How anyone could possibly claim to know what he was going to do is stupid. And the disrespect of Ozzy. Holy crap. I know he does what Sharon says and maybe he should and should have take a bigger hand in things and that he's had a lot of help in writing songs but they act like he's nothing. Melodies aren't nothing. And neither is the name Ozzy. It's because of his name those people are known and have had careers.
But still a very cunty thing to say. They're probably not far from the same age. And Bob did more than just those two albums. She's lived pretty well with his help.

I understand the hate for Sharon but without her and her ways there would have been no Ozzy and all the things branched from him and realistically she is just using the media to her own advantage. Most of us probably wouldn't want to use the media in the same way but that's her choice and a few haters isn't going to change it, if anything it will push her harder.

The thing that I find about Bob is...that he's aussie so I should really stick of for him, but I wont, not totally anyway. I agree he deserves the credit for what he's done and the whole Blizzard of Oz band thing is probably true but to say they (Blizzard) owe him money seems a bit over the top. He's had multiple people sift through the accounts and they have found nothing. He's had multiple judges tell him there is no money owing. It seems to me that as shrewd as Sharon might be they have paid him. And now that he's resigned with Blizzard it makes me wonder what he's been fighting for all this time may not have been there in the first place. I also don't buy the mantra that some claim he needs Blizzard's money to live off because he's retired the guy has been part of more bands and his stuff has been on more records than I have had hot dinners. Unless he signed away his royalties he must still be making money from a hundred different sources. This is where I think internet myth fed by numpties like Blabber commentors have taken over. I fully agree that he deserves what's owed him but I don't think the media and those using it really know if he's owed money by anyone let alone Blizzard.
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Yeah it's true he may very well have died without her and or not been able to get it together after Sabbath. They really made each other. Who else would let her manage them lol. But damn she sure carries herself like a classless dickhead. There's other ways to go about things. but I guess she's a chip off the ole block.

It is a really strange case. From the outside Daisly looks like he's got an airtight case of being fucked over. But as you said multiple judges have given him nothing. I sure hope he's got money. Who was the guy that just died? and Ozzy went to visit him and gave him gold records? Apparently that guy was pretty broke. But that doesn't mean he had the same sources as Bob did.

Edit: oh maybe he didn't die?

This might be related but I haven't gotten to listen yet.

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Yeah it's true he may very well have died without her and or not been able to get it together after Sabbath. They really made each other. Who else would let her manage them lol. But damn she sure carries herself like a classless dickhead. There's other ways to go about things. but I guess she's a chip off the ole block.

It is a really strange case. From the outside Daisly looks like he's got an airtight case of being fucked over. But as you said multiple judges have given him nothing. I sure hope he's got money. Who was the guy that just died? and Ozzy went to visit him and gave him gold records? Apparently that guy was pretty broke. But that doesn't mean he had the same sources as Bob did.

Edit: oh maybe he didn't die?

This might be related but I haven't gotten to listen yet.

Who else would have beaten the shit out of each of them to settle arguments, they are a match made in hell. :) I do wonder how long Ozzy would have lasted with Sabbath if it wasn't for Sharon, her old man had Sabbath by the short and curlies. Sharon convincing Ozzy to leave probably woke up Sabbath to the shitty dealings they were getting as much as it broke the band. But at time time a lot of bands where getting shafted heavily by managers and labels so who really knows maybe they liked it and they were happy to see Ozzy leave and get shafted and screwed by the same person.

Kerslake is either on death's door or close but not dead yet. These guys all seem to have stories about them being broke. I can see that money paid back then was different to money today and therefore they needed to invest 80's money differently to be living off it now, but I don't think any of these guys gave up paying gigs. They might not have got the big gigs like touring with Ozzy every year etc but they were all still playing and recording so surely they got some money. The gold records thing with Kerslake probably was a bit of good will laced with guilt from Ozzy and Sharon but it does show they can be compassionate when it suits them.

In 2004-05 18 months after Sharon and Ozzy released the two albums with credits on certain songs removed Daisly and Kerslake got together with Steve Morse and an Aussie screamer who could out scream just about any other singer on the planet and created Living Loud. They only did one album that had five originals on it but it also had six Ozzy songs from those first two albums. It was only a project band and Daisly never claimed it was to screw Ozzy for taking his name off the albums 18 month earlier but it kind of was. It's a pity it didn't sell 100 million copies but it was good and they tore the shit out of those songs live, but I didn't hear any reports they didn't get paid for that album and tour :)
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Actually Kerslake brings up an interesting point in that interview. He states the band was selected and named before Sharon took over as manager (she was just managing Ozzy at the time). So while her claims that they weren't a band may not be exactly true she's not actually changing history with what she claimed the other day, she's selectively remembering things. She chooses to remember things her way, she had the biggest name on the bill, she knew who she was marketing and the other guys involved where little more than session players to her. Any agreements about bands and if they were one were made with another manager. It's splitting hairs and telling only her side of the story but what Kerslake says pretty much agrees with that, just he does it from the other side of the fence that Sharon refuses to look at.
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Who else would have beaten the shit out of each of them to settle arguments, they are a match made in hell. :) I do wonder how long Ozzy would have lasted with Sabbath if it wasn't for Sharon, her old man had Sabbath by the short and curlies. Sharon convincing Ozzy to leave probably woke up Sabbath to the shitty dealings they were getting as much as it broke the band. But at time time a lot of bands where getting shafted heavily by managers and labels so who really knows maybe they liked it and they were happy to see Ozzy leave and get shafted and screwed by the same person.

Kerslake is either on death's door or close but not dead yet. These guys all seem to have stories about them being broke. I can see that money paid back then was different to money today and therefore they needed to invest 80's money differently to be living off it now, but I don't think any of these guys gave up paying gigs. They might not have got the big gigs like touring with Ozzy every year etc but they were all still playing and recording so surely they got some money. The gold records thing with Kerslake probably was a bit of good will laced with guilt from Ozzy and Sharon but it does show they can be compassionate when it suits them.

In 2004-05 18 months after Sharon and Ozzy released the two albums with credits on certain songs removed Daisly and Kerslake got together with Steve Morse and an Aussie screamer who could out scream just about any other singer on the planet and created Living Loud. They only did one album that had five originals on it but it also had six Ozzy songs from those first two albums. It was only a project band and Daisly never claimed it was to screw Ozzy for taking his name off the albums 18 month earlier but it kind of was. It's a pity it didn't sell 100 million copies but it was good and they tore the shit out of those songs live, but I didn't hear any reports they didn't get paid for that album and tour :)
I thought they had Bill fire Ozzy because Arden thought they could do it without him? Or was it drinking too much or both? Been so long since I read about it.
I've never heard of Living Loud. How long ago was that?
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I thought they had Bill fire Ozzy because Arden thought they could do it without him?
I've never heard of Living Loud. How long ago was that?

I think the stories of Ozzy leaving Sabbath are as fabled these days as people think the Blizzard Of Ozz band stories are. Arden was teaching Sharon the business and she took a shine to Ozzy, although whether she saw marriage potential immediately I'm not sure. Arden and Sharon were also fighting when Sharon decided she knew enough to branch out. To me it sounds a bit like the Sabbath camp saying "we fired him" and Sharon saying "I took him", but the reality could have been a lot different.

Living Loud was released in 2005. It was fairly big news down here because Bob came from Oz but also because Jimmy Barnes the singer was one of the hardest rockers we've had in this country. Although he found his market selling Aussie pub rock back in the 70's when they played live they played faster and louder than many metal bands would throughout the 80's. Bob and Jimmy had been friends since the 70's and when the opportunity arose to bring the songs back Bob decided Jimmy was the guy to scream Ozzy's bits as well as write some new songs. Morse and Kerslake were then brought in and Don Airey was invited to do the keyboards but he couldn't make it so he did his bit from London.
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It's on one of the videos I have. I can't remember if it's Sabbath the Ozzy years or the reunion back in the late 90's. But it was interviews with the band. But they are vhs and I haven't watched them in a long time. I could have sworn they fired him I think in a big way due to Arden, and Ozzy basically turned into a massive depressed drunk and as you say she and her father had a falling out and she picked Ozzy up and helped get him going again. I've never actually heard the "fired him" disputed. But who the hell knows. That was a really long time and a lot of drugs ago! lol.

I'm gonna have to look them up. Sounds like it was pretty cool. I never knew Bob was Aussie either lol. I just assumed all those guys were British.
He is one of my favorite bass players too. You'd think I'd know that. Although anything he did that I've heard was done when I was a little kid.
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Given the fights with Sharon and her dad were well reported there probably is some truth in Arden wanting Ozzy gone. Dad teaching daughter the ropes, daughter takes a shine to one of the 'staff', dad decides to get rid of guy to stop a relationship, shit backfires and daughter runs away with guy. I'm pretty sure there has been Hollywood movies with that story line.

Bob was born here but I don't know when he moved to the UK. He was playing guitar and bass by his early teenage years and did play with two Aussie bands named the Powerpact and Kahvus Jute as late as 1970. From then on everything looks like it was British so I guess he moved there sometime around 1970. As far as I know he's never returned for more than visits but I don't know for sure.

It's been a while since I listened to Living Loud but it's not metal. The original songs are written in the vein of the Ozzy songs that are on the album but they aren't metal as such.

Mr Crowly from the only show that was recorded of the band.
Airey on keys, Kerlaske on drums, Morse on guitar, Daisley on bass and Barnes on vocals.

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Jimmy Barnes, that guy singing, has one of the strongest Scottish accents ever, which considering he has lived in Australia since he was about 3 is amazing to hear because it doesn't come out in his singing. At the time that video was recorded he had been drinking vodka like it was water for 40+ years (since he was 11 or thereabouts) and he was a heroin addict. A year or two after Living Loud he had open heart surgery, signed himself out of the hospital within two weeks against the doctors wishes, went on a tour of the Phillipines (Bali etc) where he was straight back on the gear and screaming. He had a heart attack in Bali, came home and the same doctor preformed another open heart surgery. Took him another 8 years to get off all the drugs and alcohol. At 63 he's still screaming like a banshee but he's given up trying to break any more records with volume and speedie playing.

Useless musical connection #19956345384634: In the early 70's Sabbath and Purple toured here and played a large outdoor festival with a local band called The Aztecs headlining. After watching the Aztecs both bands decided that they needed to up their game because a rock band barely known outside Australia was more powerful on stage, louder, more aggressive and the singer had more of a stage presence than either Gillan or Ozzy. At the same gig Jimmy Barnes broke through a fence to get into the festival for free. It was after seeing Gillan, Ozzy and the lead of the Aztecs, Billy Thorpe, that Jimmy decided he wanted to sing.
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