The what's going on in Thrash thread

I don't know what they are advertising. Apparently the chick is from some TV show and metal band, but they aren't really revealing anything. The sites are saying something about a Hard Rock/Thrash Metal experience or some shit but the video really doesn't reveal anything to me other than it's not an ad for their final leg which Blabber etc claimed the first video was for.
I can already hear the bitchy comments :p
I can already hear the bitchy comments :p

Seems most people are wondering who the chick is and the mention of her being in a metal band has them even more confused. I might have missed something (I probably didn't watch it closely) but I'm not sure where the "hard rock" bit is coming from, however both MI and Blabber have used the those words in their description.
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Seems most people are wondering who the chick is and the mention of her being in a metal band has them even more confused. I might have missed something (I probably didn't watch it closely) but I'm not sure where the "hard rock" bit is coming from, however both MI and Blabber have used the those words in their description.
Guess I'll have to check it out.
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Yeah, wouldn't want to interrupt the magic. The Spell Can't Be Broken! :rolleyes:

That assumes there is magic to begin with!

Sacred Reich and Violence are touring here next year, that would be magic. If concerts weren't such a PITA to get to I'd go to that.
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Oh that should be good!

It's only a small venue too, about 1100 capacity and I think it's a Saturday night so it should really go off. I do like some of the Vio-lence stuff but I'd definitely be going to see Sacred if I lived in the city.
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I had a listen to Ellefson and I wont be buying it. I'm a fan of just about everything Jnr has done but even the F5 tracks aren't of a standard that impressed me (although they are demos). The song with John Bush and the song with AK are about the best on the album.
It's not Metal Church bad :) in fact it's probably not bad at all, its just not an album I want to spend money on. For me even his heavy metal (almost hard rock) Knight Fury album is better than this album.
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I had a listen to Ellefson and I wont be buying it. I'm a fan of just about everything Jnr has done but even the F5 tracks aren't of a standard that impressed me (although they are demos). The song with John Bush and the song with AK are about the best on the album.
It's not Metal Church bad :) in fact it's probably not bad at all, its just not an album I want to spend money on. For me even his heavy metal (almost hard rock) Knight Fury album is better than this album.
Hmm, well at least those two songs are good. That's what I was going to buy it for anyway.
I think you'd have to actually try and make the worst album you could to beat out Metal Church's latest.
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There is one song (and I don't want to spoil it for you) on Sleeping Giants that made me want to plug my ears and explode my head, but it was only one song. I suppose I did expect more from the F5 stuff, and while it's not terrible and they are demos, they just aren't what I wanted to hear. I do think Jnr could have done a lot better than this but then I also think this album might have been less planned and more pieced together. Given all the work and touring he's done with Frankie, his own Basstory tours, his ceremonial stuff and his Megadeth stuff he's been busy. This to me seems more like a rushed release to coincide with the book that came out a few weeks back.
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There is one song (and I don't want to spoil it for you) on Sleeping Giants that made me want to plug my ears and explode my head, but it was only one song. I suppose I did expect more from the F5 stuff, and while it's not terrible and they are demos, they just aren't what I wanted to hear. I do think Jnr could have done a lot better than this but then I also think this album might have been less planned and more pieced together. Given all the work and touring he's done with Frankie, his own Basstory tours, his ceremonial stuff and his Megadeth stuff he's been busy. This to me seems more like a rushed release to coincide with the book that came out a few weeks back.
Oh he collaborated with Kurdt on a track? :D
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Reviews these days often don't mean much given no reviewer makes their alliances clear but Hatriot seem to be doing okay for themselves

This is 52 minutes of thrash heaven.

From Days Unto Darkness is the best thrash metal album of 2019 so far, no question. Even the mighty Flotsam & Jetsam and Overkill weren’t as refined as this.
All that and vulgarity apparently, what more could people ask for? :)

Apparently they are on Zetro's Toxic Vault all week too, how they land a gig like that I don't know.
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I take a lot of reviews with a grain of salt but 9.5/10 is a damn fine result and hard to ignore. It's out this week so I guess we can judge for ourselves by then.
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I like what I've heard so far. That just kind of reaffirms it. It did come off a little weird he'd never heard of them. And I'm not sure what he meant by more "refined" than Overkill and Flotsam.
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