The what's going on in Thrash thread

It's terrible, it's the worst album of 2019, it's a waste of money, they saved us Aussies by not making it available until next week :p
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Only kidding. It might not be as good as F&J and Overkill but it's pretty close. It's bloody amazing how much Cody sounds like his dad, at times the music sound so much like Exodus that you have to remind yourself it's not Zetro. I'm not sure his growling really needed to be there, it's okay and it's not completely out of place but I'm not sure it adds much to the album other than separating him from his dad. The band seems to be tight and the music shows that, it's fast, it's thrashy and it really doesn't let up for all 9 songs. Sometimes the lyrics are a bit silly but at the same time they kind of fit. In all if this album was meant to show that the band can stand on their own feet without Zetro leading them then I think they have totally achieved that. They'll never be free of the 'he sounds like his dad' mantra but the music stands by itself. I'm definitely getting this album when it's available here.
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If he growled any more than he does I probably wouldn't buy the album. It definitely separates him from his dad but if he did an entire song that way I think I'd get bored by the album. I don't mind that he sounds like his dad, it's prominent and hard to ignore but after another listen this morning I'm starting to hear a distinction between the voices and there is a definite distinction between Hatirot's music and Exodus' stuff. It might be because of the break between Exodus albums but I hear a power and freshness in Hatriot that does make it stand away from Exodus and that's also a good thing.

You may as well buy Hatriot and Jnr, there is bugger all else lately that has been worth buying.
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No I don't mind that he sounds like Zetro either because he has what I really like about Zetro's voice without that Bon overdrive. He kinda replaces it with the growls. But I agree I'm glad it's not full on and he has some variety to his vocals.

Yeah there isn't much going on for me out there right now. It's a good time to catch up at least a little.
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As a full package I think Hatroit have taken a huge step forward with this album. Even if it wasn't great it would show them stepping forward and I'm sure there was many people out there ready to write them off without Zetro, but the album is a great effort and I look forward to seeing what else they come up with.

Because I wasn't buying much I spent a few hours looking up Aussie bands on bandcamp last week. Found a few listenable albums, a few I might go back to when I'm bored and a fuckload of black metal shit that I couldn't even be bothered listening too. Seems black metal must be an easy genre to populate whereas thrash, speed, the better stuff only has good players doing it :)
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Yeah I think they are going to putting out quality stuff for a long time. I'm glad his kid stepped up after he left. Win/win.

But they're better at getting their girlfriends make up on. If they have them :p
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I hope there isn't such a big break between albums next time.

Well some bands have musical talent, others have make up skills, you can't have both :)
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The thing is they are playing the same songs every cover band plays and therefore its easy to class them as average. These guys are good enough they should be able to do something different.
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This popped up on one of my feeds, Groove Metal from Brooklyn. They only have an EP out at the moment and it's definitely groovy. There is a few more songs (possibly the whole EP) on YT which I haven't listened to yet.
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I checked out the YT videos and I think that song on their website is probably the weakest. There is definitely elements of Pantera and Anthrax in the other songs. Will be interesting to see where they go from this point because they have potential if they go the right way.
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It's worth checking out. I was only mildly impressed by that song on the website. I thought it had some good guitar and music but all those quick cut face shots on the video turned me off quite a bit. But YT definitely yielded a much better sound.

I think the audio here is all the songs off the EP
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