The what's going on in Thrash thread

Thanks man!But that was supposed to yours and Redfly’s job lol! I really would love to have had a beer or 14 with you guys!

I made chocolate brownies last week, the raw mix was so sticky and annoying to work with instead of making 40 spoon sized brownies I made a single slab which ended up being about 14 or 15 inches square. I could have stuck a candle in it before I cut it if I'd known :)
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We make cakes and stick a candle in them for us whenever my wife's family has a birthday on the other side of the country, so making one for someone on the other side of the world would be the same :) I'll try to remember for next year!
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Lol, this thanksgiving I discovered I'm a terrible baker! I was barely able to make a pumpkin pie (from scratch) and sweet potato casserole. First time for both. Sooo many almost disasters!

I can tell you my birthday is NOT April 1st ;):bah::p
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I'm the main cook in this house so whether it's good or not my family know well enough to tell me it's good :)

You've got 'till May to bake me a cake.
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I work from home, my wife works in an office. She doesn't drive so I get the job of school runs and the like which makes me primary contact etc. I wouldn't admit I rule the roost but I do most of the work around here :)
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Latest from Hazzerd, new album comes out in January 24 apparently.

Pretty good overall. I feel like there are too many frontmen that have that same kind of sound/attack. But still it's pretty damn good. And the singer does add his own flavor and those parts sound cool. Musically it's really good and interesting. Guitar player is definitely a Marty man. I hope I can remember to get this. I still have to get the other one.
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I like what they've been doing. They aren't going to break any new ground, they aren't going to take over the world but it its good down the line thrash which has been a bit lacking. There is obviously a reason Megadave was talking them up not long back.
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The 'experts' were waffling on before in another thread about what is and what isn't power the end it was a nil all draw with time out taken for brain enemas to be injected to calm down the masses.
But a comment was made that Overkill's Power In Black demo was considered power metal by some. Now I honestly don't give a fuck about genres if I like something I listen to it without having to argue where it sits in some imaginary group. So I went and visited Mr Youtube and asked him to show me this Overkill demo and of course he could.

Long story short, all BS aside, no idea if you've heard this but it's not bad for a recording that's nearly 40 years old.

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The 'experts' were waffling on before in another thread about what is and what isn't power the end it was a nil all draw with time out taken for brain enemas to be injected to calm down the masses.
But a comment was made that Overkill's Power In Black demo was considered power metal by some. Now I honestly don't give a fuck about genres if I like something I listen to it without having to argue where it sits in some imaginary group. So I went and visited Mr Youtube and asked him to show me this Overkill demo and of course he could.

Long story short, all BS aside, no idea if you've heard this but it's not bad for a recording that's nearly 40 years old.

That was one of the first albums I had borrowed from an old neighborhood friend to record on to cassette, and that’s when my love Of Metal Just took off!
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