The what's going on in Thrash thread

That's punny (as my 11 yr old would say :p )

I read that this morning and I looked down the comments for the exact thing you said. You're not the only one thinking it :)

I wonder how much of the gear these guys are selling they actually paid for.
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She's definitely a product of her parents, we spent too long making jokes about her silliness, now she's silly and make puns from what we say :)

There was some comments about that studio guy this morning. You were probably to amazed by the guy with the first comment referring to him as a 'class act'. I think that's the new Blabber go to, I read it on about 4 articles this morning. We've got Letter bands and class acts for our enjoyment!

Yea I don't suppose it makes a big difference what they actually bought, but it does kind of seem strange to sell gifts. (gift is probably a loose definition for them too)
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Oh ok, the studio guy lol. I thought you meant Kiko sells but who's buying. :)

It's cute when they're 11. When they're 80 it's abuse. :cool:

Oh I picked the wrong fruit :p

I'm not sure how old my neighbour is but it's got to be 80+ and for months after they moved in I thought him and his wife were in one of those abusive relationships where hate each other, yell and scream but never really bothered to separate. Then when I spoke to him I realise they are both deaf as bats and their yelling is actually normal talk, as normal as the swearing that comes out as well. So "Your fucking dinner is ready, Stop fucking around with that shit and get inside" was not an insult it was a dinner invite :)
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It was like a sense of dejavu reading the metal sites this morning. I know there was new headings and a new paragraphs on all the stories but all the stories felt like news from previous weeks/years.
Queen at the fire relief concert.
Ozzy talking about pulling out of shows
Kirk and some art show
Bruce Dickison singing on stage at a spoken words show
Benate loves Ulrich

By page three I was starting to wonder if I was still asleep.
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It's quite pathetic really. We need a new source of news but I don't know of any that have the number of stories that Blabber and Bravewords hve
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Christ I really thought he collapsed there for a second!Good Days.

Charlie looked like he had some weird make up on. Scott looked kind of normal for him. Dan looked like he didn't know he was there, and Billy was just...well Billy. It's definitely a band of misfits. When they reunited and did Budokan again in the mid 00's (I think it was) they looked to clean to be SOD :)
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Charlie looked like he had some weird make up on. Scott looked kind of normal for him. Dan looked like he didn't know he was there, and Billy was just...well Billy. It's definitely a band of misfits. When they reunited and did Budokan again in the mid 00's (I think it was) they looked to clean to be SOD :)
Freddy is the only one that looks cool!
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You're not kidding. I can't believe what we have to settle for.

I remember looking at the job vacancy at MI 6 months ago and do kind of kick myself for not applying (ok realistically I probably wouldn't have got it but one can dream). A new writer couldn't change any site, especially MI, overnight, but given that the interviews are supplied, or they just rewrite news that is already on the wire, change could happen. Cutting out the shit talking and being hard on those commentors would make some difference, but the biggest change one could make is writing proper articles not just extended headlines. If there isn't half a page of words in a story, it's not a story so don't publish it.

Realistically if one could figure out how to get the interviews the rest of the job creating a decent site is not that difficult.
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