The when should you stop looking at school girls thread?

Evil Miscreant said:
you can look,but if your older or their younger than 18 it is advised not to touch if your girl is 40 i'm 36.her daughter is 14 and the other is 21 or 22 i think.i look at some younger's natural.if your a crazy holy person you might poke your eyes out
I'd be a little disturbed if a thirty-six year old man was looking at me, when I was a high schooler. A couple of years older is okay, but it gets a little odd when it's some older guy looking at you and for the most part it's always for shallow reasons. They don't know you, they'd just like to put their dick inside because you're young and still "fresh."
^Sorry! :p

Arttiv said:
I'd be a little disturbed if a thirty-six year old man was looking at me, when I was a high schooler. A couple of years older is okay, but it gets a little odd when it's some older guy looking at you and for the most part it's always for shallow reasons. They don't know you, they'd just like to put their dick inside because you're young and still "fresh."

Exactly. If the guy looks older than about 25...its scary and weird, but mostly scary.
Hmmm....I don't stare at kids.But girls are cute.My woman is beautiful though in a very different way though....heh..if you don't understand that I think you need to pay attention in your sexual education classes in school young ladies
I do on the other hand though notice that young women that look underage do tend to look away quickly when i catch them looking at's kind of as if they feel a bit guilty about it or something.but it does not bother me.i find it rather amusing to see them get all flustered.
well i don't really talk to them so i doubt anything i say would bother them.girls in my college class are about the only ones that ask me questions but young girls with their mom or dad are ones that i notice looking at me lustfully like they are trying to be adventuresome but it's usually in line at stores or whatnot so they are not woman gets kind of mad at times she is the one that would scare them,not me..heh...
shit,she even scares me sometimes.she's pretty tough for a lady.