i'm 22 and everyone still calls me "boy" instaed of "man"metal_monkey said:Hahahahaha...silly boy
people say i look 14 when i dress in dragmetal_monkey said:Really? Well that will be good in the future!
i can actually passmetal_monkey said:Drag?? Hahahahaha
Black Core said:Normally, yes, but If I looked at 14 year olds, I would be sick
LORD_RED_DRAGON said:i can actually pass
which creates an awkward moment when the lesbian i've eaten out realizes that i have a penis
You wish.LORD_RED_DRAGON said:i can actually pass
which creates an awkward moment when the lesbian i've eaten out realizes that i have a penis
petehis kahn said:Oh Lord red dragon you will be the death of me when I realise that you are actually a real person and not just an internet troll and I blow my brains out because then and only then will I give up on humanity.
Arttiv said:As soon as you leave High School.