The when should you stop looking at school girls thread?

evil miscreant said:
i chased a 12 year old girl with a stolen sausage through the parkinglot of a grocery store was cool..

I chased a 12 year old girl with my sausage through a parking lot was cool..
I'm 19 and tend to look at females in their 20's rather than younger girls. To be honest I don't look at young girls because you sometimes can't tell if they're 14 or 18.

Girls personalities are shit so why bother looking anyways. You can't let an ass or tits cloud your judgement alone. Jailbate gets people in deep deep shit.
I don't see any harm in noticing beauty in others?
Venomous staring, on the onther hand, is something to avoid in general^^
i think that when a guy becomes "legal" is the point when he should start going through the phase that every guy on the planet goes through at some point where he's looking at girls older than himself cuz a guy with teenage kids looking for women with teenage grandkids just looks kinda creepy
and if your in a place where you can't drink till 21 (2/3 of usa) and if get to be 21 and you're sexually looking at 14 year-olds cuz you're the oldest of your "group" of freinds and your the 22 year-old really-horny-guy getting under-age girls drunk so you can get laid, then i think at this point you should start looking at your 14 year-old freinds' mothers (Mothers I'd Like to Fuck) cuz a lot of 14-year-olds are the children of the teenage girls that were getting pregnant 14 years ago (if she has her 1st kid at 14, and her oldest kid turns 14, she's still young enough to fuck any guy she wants [if she's still interested in casual sex instead of looking for "the one"] because most guys think about sex 24/7)
hmmm, i think it depends on how young these school girls are to be fair, if they are just about to finish school, then i dont think you ever have to stop looking, just as long as you are -only- looking, 0.o....or if they have been kept back a few years, :P.

what scared the fucking shit out of me was all those people on royal carnage that obsess about the pointed "perky" boobs (the teagan presley fanatics bitching about her boobs being "too big" after her implants (when she was only 19 and some womens boobs keep growing bigger till the early 30s) even though teagan's boobs were comepletely non-existant before the implants (there's a movie where she's playing a 12 year-old in a chatholic school uniform loosing her virginity and in that scene her boobs were so comepletely non-existant that she actually looked 12 and everybody posted pix from the movie and said how sexy she was in those shots but the thing that scared me was that no one actually realized that they were pedophiles!!!
what scared the fucking shit out of me was all those people on royal carnage that obsess about the pointed "perky" boobs (the teagan presley fanatics bitching about her boobs being "too big" after her implants (when she was only 19 and some womens boobs keep growing bigger till the early 30s) even though teagan's boobs were comepletely non-existant before the implants (there's a movie where she's playing a 12 year-old in a chatholic school uniform loosing her virginity and in that scene her boobs were so comepletely non-existant that she actually looked 12 and everybody posted pix from the movie and said how sexy she was in those shots but the thing that scared me was that no one actually realized that they were pedophiles!!!

I run a search on the name and acne out with this. Is that her ?
suns_recline said:
hmmm, i think it depends on how young these school girls are to be fair, if they are just about to finish school, then i dont think you ever have to stop looking, just as long as you are -only- looking, 0.o....or if they have been kept back a few years, :P.


God I love you. :lol:
young girls are cute and pretty but they are also vain and think everyone wants them.i like their bodies but their attitudes would not make me want to be with them.Young girls are about 18-25 any older and they are women below eighteen they are so immature they just act like little kids
Nemesis_lxix said:
I run a search on the name and acne out with this. Is that her ?
i'm not really sure (i don't remember exactly what she looked like and i don't know if i spelled her name right and an alternate spell might be another person) this pic might be her AFTER she got implants (she got the implants when she was only 19 btw) but all the pix i saw of the porn star Teagan Presley were BEFORE she got the implants (she started doing porn on 18th birthday)
evil miscreant said:
young girls are cute and pretty but they are also vain and think everyone wants them.i like their bodies but their attitudes would not make me want to be with them.Young girls are about 18-25 any older and they are women below eighteen they are so immature they just act like little kids

I'm 26 but I look 19 but I feel and act 18 :lol: