The Whining and Bitching Thread

I demand pics with a signed letter saying "yes, we did"

btw, to the guy who can't talk to someone he's said hi to so many times. You've practically broke the ice, so it should be easy.

1. fluff talk, ask her a question that is very broad and general. Like notice something that she is wearing, or maybe ask her a question about the surroundings. Then try to steer the conversation to your liking. (which should be getting to know more about her and how she feels about whatever and shit)

I guess i'll try this whenever i see her.
1. fluff talk, ask her a question that is very broad and general. Like notice something that she is wearing, or maybe ask her a question about the surroundings. Then try to steer the conversation to your liking. (which should be getting to know more about her and how she feels about whatever and shit)
2. stick it in her pooper.


you sure you should be boasting about this on the internet? She looks kinda young...
maybe it's the stuffed animals in the back.
I assume she must be legit since, you know, she's in college. Excellent work. Keep it up, as it were.
I have stuffed animals and I'm niether a girl or a kid. Fuck stereotypes! :cool:

Out of curiosity, what are they?
I'm a sucker for cute things, I love stuffed animals.

Oh, and BMWG, I think you should post some pictures of that bone in this forum so I can inspect it. I'll tell you if I like it or not. :cool:
I have a bone that I think you would like.


Oh, I just got that...
seeds comment made this exchange for me.

I have stuffed animals and I'm niether a girl or a kid. Fuck stereotypes! :cool:
I have stuffed animals too, although I'm 17...dunno how that falls into that.
There's only one I would consider taking with me to college (a stuffed squirrel that I've had since I was born).

Seals can have stuffed animals too.
Bumping this big time. Tedious whining coming up.

Some general bitching:
My history teacher is kind of annoying me. I really like him, but he wants everything a very specific way and the only way to find out is trial and error.
Also, I'm a little behind on my college apps and it's a pain in the ass. Gonna try and do all that shit this weekend.
Futhermore, my friend is being a dumbfuck and pulling out of the Amon Amarth show to go see the Jimmi Hendrix Experience. Maybe I should make it clear to him that Hendrix is still dead...
Also my engineering class is really lame. It's absurdly easy but I'm not learning anything or being challenged. At least it's 0 work.
It's really cold when I go running at night. Kind of sucks.
And netflix are being cunts.

Some bitching about my brother:
This asshole pours himself massive bowls of cereal, then doesn't eat it. He either dumps it in the sink or leaves it on the counter to dry to a rock hard consistency, making it impossible to get out. Asshole. He also insists on airdrying after showers, meaning he occupies the bathroom for absurd lengths of time.

Also once again my general complaint that nobody's funding another season of Firefly.
My roommate really pisses me off sometimes. I always tell him to wake me up at 7 because he usually gets up at that time so he can practice soccer. It isn't that hard to turn around when you wake up and shake someone. He wakes me up at 7:45 when he comes back and I have missed breakfast (which ends at 8) numerous times because a lot of the guys here take really long showers. Also he gets pissed when I tease him even a little bit. I doubt it's cultural difference because another guy laughed when he asked me to do a favor for him and I told him I would not have sex with him. He also called me greedy for moving the couch that he never sits on to my desk over the weekend. And he always opens my window and I have gotten all the shit on my desk wet a few times when it rained. He could easily open his own window but he doesn't want to risk his stuff getting wet in case it rains. I also left my key in our room this morning and I forgot to get stuff this morning. So during study hall I told the dean that I had to go get it and my roommate had a key and he asked my roommate to let me borrow his key and he said "it's not my problem" but he eventually gave me the key.

Some bitching about my brother:
This asshole pours himself massive bowls of cereal, then doesn't eat it.

My brother used to do that. Except he would force himself to eat it all. He did it to annoy me. At least I don't have to deal with him here. But he was nice for the week before I left.