The Whining and Bitching Thread

It's fucking difficult to get a job with no work experience, as I'm finding out the hard way.

At the moment I'm working as a part-time catering assistant at a local school, which is a bitch. 5 hours a day... for the first two there is NOTHING to do, which is incredibly tedious, then for the next three we're all breaking our backs.

Trying to find something else, and not succeeding.
@cookie: according to the schedule I have I'm ahead, which is weird because everyone I know is farther along than me.
Anyhow, I hope to write my essay and get recs squared away in the next week or so.
I'm applying to:
University of Toronto
University of Washington
UMass Amherst

and I'll probably end up going to either UoT or UoW. My aunt has family in toronto and attending UoT and says it's awesome and my mom recommended UoW, I need to visit both however.
I still don't know what I want to do after highschool.
But, if I'm able to get my A+ certification, then it will be more likely I will be going into computer repairs, and try to get my networking certification. 20 bucks an hour for starting pay is pretty damn good.
Not necessarily.

A teacher may just be less hard on you.
We had a teacher, and she basically said "Some other teachers may let you off a little, but I'm going to be marking like your work is being submitted for an exam. No point in giving you delusions of ability"
I think you're the idiot if you think the best teacher is always the one who gives you the best grades. Something tells me you're not learning much in school.
Lol. You're getting this as if best teachers always give raises. But that's not point, the point is a good teacher explains the chapters perfectly, and you're only duty is to solve the exercises, which will be easy because you've understood the chapter perfectly. Whereas, a bad teacher barely explains the chapter well, and you're duty will be much harder, since you haven't understood the chapter well, and you'll have difficulty solving the problems. This is the difference between a good and a bad teacher.
@cookie: according to the schedule I have I'm ahead, which is weird because everyone I know is farther along than me.
Anyhow, I hope to write my essay and get recs squared away in the next week or so.
I'm applying to:
University of Toronto
University of Washington
UMass Amherst

and I'll probably end up going to either UoT or UoW. My aunt has family in toronto and attending UoT and says it's awesome and my mom recommended UoW, I need to visit both however.
That's a good list. No bad schools there. I didn't finish my applications until like November so you should be fine.

Of course I'm biased to U of T but I think it's great and you will really like it if come here. If you end up visiting here let me know.

Any plans on what you will major in?
@the Sevag-V debate: V's right
@cookie: I'm interested in psychology and philosophy. I'm particularly interested in the intersection of psychology and economics.
My dad (a professor) tells me that the point of an undergraduate education is the gen ed requirements, however. Makes sense to me. So undergraduate I'll take stuff I'm interested in and then figure out what I actually want to do from there.
A good teacher is one who pushes you to earn good grades. The best teacher I ever had was my comp professor in my first semester of college. He was one of those guys who you could tell genuinely cared about making sure all of his students succeeded and learned from his class. He absolutely would not let you get away with slacking off. I was always a pretty awful student in academic classes, but I worked hard in that class because of him. The fact that he was an awesome / fucking crazy guy didn't hurt, either.
I really can't stand these people in the grocery store or 7-Eleven or whatever that insist on placing the change on top of the bills and then trying to hand it to you. 90% of the time the change falls all over and you have to pick it up.
I really can't stand these people in the grocery store or 7-Eleven or whatever that insist on placing the change on top of the bills and then trying to hand it to you. 90% of the time the change falls all over and you have to pick it up.

This never happens enough to me to be a nuisance. I prefer they just throw it in the donation jar usually though.

EDIT: This fucking programming class is killing me. Fuck all this code shit. What a bad elective class for me.
@the Sevag-V debate: V's right
@cookie: I'm interested in psychology and philosophy. I'm particularly interested in the intersection of psychology and economics.
My dad (a professor) tells me that the point of an undergraduate education is the gen ed requirements, however. Makes sense to me. So undergraduate I'll take stuff I'm interested in and then figure out what I actually want to do from there.
Cool. I've got a few friends in Philosophy and they seem to like it.