The Whining and Bitching Thread

Or maybe you do something in your life that's sole purpose is not to acquire wealth.

Doesn't matter how useless a subject is so long as you can secure a doctorate for it.

There's nothing inherently wrong with a less in-demand degree, but the problem is that so many people fail to put it in perspective. Not only is a degree fucking expensive, but it also has a big influence on your job opportunities for the rest of your life. I think many people idealistically take a "passion" major without actually understanding that they may not end up doing anything related to their degree after college, and that depending on the major, the odds of finding a relevant job may actually be tiny.
There are some jobs that only want a degree. They don't specify the type of degree. However, you're right in your assertion that the job probably isn't what someone wants.
When the masturbation thread was deleted, it's interesting that you guys didn't take the hint to SHUT THE FUCK UP ABOUT IT.
I have a whole month of nothing else but studying coming my way. W0000H000!!! Oh how I love college :///

Hi tanya. I'm Andrew, I'm the arbiter of coolness/faggotry here. When I don't like someone new on this board, I'll make him leave, especially women. I don't need a mod status for this, I just do it. That's all. I just wanted to say hi to you and I'm hoping we won't have any arguments and all is alright and shit. See you around anyway.