The Whining and Bitching Thread

On the degree subject, even if you don't do something related to the degree, the skills learned are valuable. Every arts degree requires you to be able to read, write and speak your ideas at high levels, which are skills jobs need. It's not like everyone working right now has a degree in exactly what their job is.

People should have enough basic skills out of high school to get tons of jobs. College is being pushed too hard these days. Everyone doesn't need to go to college.

Not that this is a direct response to what you're saying. I just wanted to say it.
Hi tanya. I'm Andrew, I'm the arbiter of coolness/faggotry here. When I don't like someone new on this board, I'll make him leave, especially women. I don't need a mod status for this, I just do it. That's all. I just wanted to say hi to you and I'm hoping we won't have any arguments and all is alright and shit. See you around anyway.
You make my day onder.


People should have enough basic skills out of high school to get tons of jobs. College is being pushed too hard these days. Everyone doesn't need to go to college.

Not that this is a direct response to what you're saying. I just wanted to say it.
And these days you kinda need to go to grad school too if you really wanna get ahead, as fucking everyone has a college diploma.
I believe it was Dodens. He's a real authority when it comes to women.
I love my boyfriend, but he has been calling me like every 20 minutes and I'm starting to get irritated with him.

Meh, either tell him to give you abit of a break with the calling or put up with it. Cos you then break up and miss that kinda shit. Well I do anyway.

Yeah, you're right. Well we're in a long distance relationship and I'm pretty sure he's just trying to make up for the distance by talking to me as much as possible, but he is calling me all the time and interrupting whatever I'm doing and sometimes I would like to be able to read a book or spend some time with my friends without having to take a break to talk to my boyfriend. I probably will have to say something to him about it because I don't like resenting him.

Just tell him how much of a slut you are online, he would probably kill himself and then you wouldn't have to worry about him calling.

First of all, anything I say on this site of a sexual/flirtatious nature is a JOKE. What I posted earlier was in no way an invitation for you to go ahead and tell everyone what you think of me, and if you have a problem with me then you can send me a PM instead of being an asshole. You don't know a goddamned thing about me so maybe you should keep your opinions to yourself on this one.

Also, suicide is not a joke, it isn't funny, and I don't know why you seem to think that my boyfriend killing himself is something I would find amusing. Grow up and fuck off.

I'm sorry, I was just giving you attention, isn't that what you come here for?

No, it's not. I lurk the music threads a lot, I'm more here for that than for the social forum. And I didn't do anything to you personally, so maybe you should quit being a dick to me.

Maybe you should quit being a flirtatious trollop to the half of the male population of the board.

Seriously, fuck off. If I wanted your opinion I'd ask you for it.

I'd rather that you fucked off, actually. And to suggest that I require your good graces to give off my opinion is patently absurd. I'm simply commenting on what everyone else here can plainly observe of your behavior. If you don't like what you're hearing, perhaps you should look at yourself, as it's a reflection of how you represent yourself here.
