The Whining and Bitching Thread

How is it useful for you? Do you have bloating and constipation issues and this alleviates that by making your colon looser?

I just wanted you to do something other than spamming this board like it's fucking 4chan and exposing your weak sense of humour to other -more intelligent- members. You don't have to rape me to be cooler though. And I will kill you BTW.
I think the random "Shut the fuck up" was meant to be your crazy post.
Ozzman getting worked up over said posts was the funny part.

I don't see why you think the -shut the fuck up- was random. 2/3 of Ozzman's posts are -random-, I'm not random at all.
Sorry where are/were the attractive women?

Winter and Nuncheon seem to have left when people started complaining that they only posted in social. I had no problem with them - they didn't spam or start fights or whatever - but a lot of people got annoyed because they didn't post in GMD. I think winter still posts sometimes but Nuncheon seems to be gone. Too bad, but it's not like they were major contributors. Fortunately Whiskey has stuck around.