The Whining and Bitching Thread

Being ill sucks.

The vomiting and diarrhea went away at least, but now I've got chills, and can't find anything in my apartment that I want to eat. Fuck this.
Cities are win, just don't be dumb enough to drive. Public transportation gets you where you need to go, or walking does. New York is a good example, even though Manhattan has a very well designed and executed traffic system.

I would hate every minute of life being stuck in a public transit system or walking through a concrete jungle.
Cities are win, just don't be dumb enough to drive. Public transportation gets you where you need to go, or walking does. New York is a good example, even though Manhattan has a very well designed and executed traffic system.

Because I study English language I learn also about american culture. It is funny that even if someone has couple of yards to a fucking store most americans would go to that store by car.
The reason why is that most american cities and towns were built during the industrial revolution so they're best suit to the transportation of people by car and not by foot.
This is the reason a lot of american towns are fucking shit to live in until you can drive.
America is fucked up. If America would agree that Spanish would be another official language it would be a downward spiral.
So many Americans would be pissed. I don't care though because I speak it already and most younger Americans can already speak mediocre Spanish.
So many Americans would be pissed. I don't care though because I speak it already and most younger Americans can already speak mediocre Spanish.

Still it is awkward that in some places you would not communicate with anyone in English language, and that it is somehow tolerable.
That's not really the case. Even in the most Hispanic parts you can always find someone who speaks English. And many Americans are very intolerant of Spanish speakers. It's annoying when there are lots of people in my area who speak shit English and no one cares because they're Asian but when a person with a Hispanic accent even makes a single mistake in English people get angry. And sometimes people get angry even when they speak perfect English with an accent. I heard a woman bitching in a store about how the guy at the counter didn't speak proper English. He was from Africa and he spoke it perfectly but had an accent.
Where I live pretty much everyone under the age of 20 knows mediocre spanish and can have a simple conversation.
Do most younger Americans live where you live?

I live in Florida, where we have plenty of Spanish-speakers, and I don't think I've met more than 5 people who weren't Hispanic who can speak the language enough to have a conversation.
In my experience with the places I've been in the US that's how it is for most people under 20. They have a small vocabulary and can understand some stuff in the present tense and maybe a little in the past and future.