The Whining and Bitching Thread

Asked the bitch to the movies today. She said she's available but there's nothing she wants to see. Asked her if there's anything else she'd wanna do, she said go downtown and shop, but they're all closed, so she quickly and conveniently decided that she wants to wait until we "know each other better" and there are better movies out in a few weeks (and wait until the "weather is better" whatever that means). This is just getting annoying.

I think it' fair to say you need to look elsewhere
On the other side of the coin I purposely tried to shake her off today just to see if I could (to see if she'd just give up/if she's playing) and she wouldn't bite; she left class early to meet me for lunch, and randomly made out with me in an underground tunnel linking two buildings on campus. :lol:
Argh, that reminds me :( I've still not gotten a call from the chick I asked to go out tonight. /sigh

She said she'd have to get back to me since a family thing was possibly going on, but whatever there are still a good few hours left in the day.
Aye, I was always made to call every chick I ever knew. I don't think it is even a disinterestedness thing on her part, we're pretty chill and shit at work, but who knows!

We'll see when I next go in.
Yeah, seeing the Cards embarrass the supposedly best team in the NFC was bomb ass. Too bad they got robbed of the Super Bowl title. Between the ticky-tack roughing the passer penalty, the uncalled block in the back on Hightower during the interception TD, and the non-touchdown of Holmes called as a touchdown, and the non-fumble being called as one they got screwed. Though the Cardinals did kind of invite the Steelers to have a chance at winning by lessening the pressure they were putting on them all game :(


I need to find something to fuckin' do tonight if the chick doesn't get a hold of me.
What the hell happened to the girl you kidnapped? Forget to feed her?

edit: also lol at all the bullshit you just spewed about proper calls during the Super Bowl.
Try reaching a new plateau.

Good idea, might have to head up to the store to pick some dex up, though I do work tomorrow.

What the hell happened to the girl you kidnapped? Forget to feed her?

edit: also lol at all the bullshit you just spewed about proper calls during the Super Bowl.

We broke up in late January.

Anyone who thinks the RtP call wasn't ticky tack is blatantly blinded by their Steelers fandom. The fumble should have at least gotten a full booth review, even if you do think it was a fumble. On the interception return Hightower was, quite clearly, blocked in the back.


"Hightower had the correct angle to tackle or at least slow down Harrison. The only way he doesn't is if he's pushed in the back. You can see 56 has his right hand behind Hightower's shoulder and left hand in the small of his back. Blatant penalty should have been called."

Though I'll give the Holmes TD since it was basically something the refs couldn't have noticed themselves really, so I won't fault it and it did look like one so there was no real need to review it.
Look up my posts in the original discussion because I'm not wasting my time arguing with a fucking pedophile.
Good idea, might have to head up to the store to pick some dex up, though I do work tomorrow.

I reached a low 3rd this past weekend. It was pretty wild.

I still need to finish going through the recordings I made that day. A lot of what I said/sputtered/grunted I'd forgotten after it was over.
More like "I'm too lazy to make my point AGAIN which you fucking read the first time and didn't respond to because you knew I was right but now you're being a faggot and pretending that this didn't happen you fucking pedophile."
No, I didn't respond because you're an absurdly blinded Steelers fanboy who won't see that the Steelers got mad help from the refs, unintentional or not.
I reached a low 3rd this past weekend. It was pretty wild.

I still need to finish going through the recordings I made that day. A lot of what I said/sputtered/grunted I'd forgotten after it was over.

noice. i need to find a way to not puke everything up, perhaps the dramamine will help prevent that!
Since my girlfriend is moving to Germany next month we came to an agreement that we should just try and be friends for the rest of our time together. With hopes that it wont be so bad when she eventually does move. So anyway, I was hanging with some friends today and out of nowhere a good friend of mine started to hit on me. She even stated that she was hitting on me and how she felt about me, its really wierd to have that feeling. If i wanted to i could of had her without any problems. Im still not over my girlfriend so obviously i didnt go for her but its incredibly wierd to not have to do ANYTHING yourself in order to get something from a girl. I'm pretty sure this will never happen to me again so im fucking pissed off with both the timing.