The Whining and Bitching Thread

my girlfriend ( of 2 years now )

is moving to Germany in 2 months time. I have never ever felt so fucking bad ever. fuck
I really hate my girlfriends best-friend... She obviously dislikes me and hates me for "taking" her friend away. She's a bit isolated and doesn't have many friends and most of her friends are now coupled up (she doesn't have many guy friends either) which is a situation I can understand and I sympathise. But she's an absolute bitch to me but I have to fucking put up with it everyday or my girlfriend bitches at me about how I should be nice to her (which I am...) Sigh, wish she could just be happy her friend is happy... I swear she's a closet lesbian and is actually in love with my girlfriend... she's fat and ugly and unlikely to hook up soon so this problem will most likely continue for a while...
*sigh* well since you're so nice and I feel I have to share with someone. I saw her today holding hands with another guy, she didn't see me though. When I saw her I never felt such emotional torment in my life before. A flood of agony as if my immediate diagnosis was death. Sure, I've been with plenty of other girls, and have been rejected and have rejected. But for some reason, I've never dealt with such blatant denial in my life. Such obvious disgust by someone who I thought different of. No care to even tell me otherwise just shun me and tell me in a subtle way, "I've found a stronger man". At least other girls I've been with had the decency to tell me something is wrong, and even end the whole ordeal properly.

I realized my faults with her today, and with beautiful women in general. It's a mental attitude that I have perceived for awhile now. As the poster before me (russ I think his name is) describes his relationship as mere luck. This in some form or another is what I did. I never looked at her and thought of myself as the prize, that I gained her by my looks, charm, skills, whatever. I just sat back in horror and at some points in disbelief that such a beauty would fancy me. That in turn showed my insecurities to her as as I feared of losing her. Stupidly not realizing to capitalize on my success. I never really acted myself around her. Showing regret if she disliked my true personality, and that in turn is what did me in. In the end tho, I became her girlfriend and drooled over her beauty and never looked at myself the same way (no pun intended)I can read women like a book sometimes (body language) and there was more to this than just distance. Women aren't going to wait for you to pull yourself together, they're not going to sit around till you get over your hesitation to break the ice. This is where the fact of the alpha male comes into play. It's not so much what you do, but more importantly how you think.


I have a strong feeling though she is the immature, fickle, high expectations bitch just looking for penis and a good time. This is what I strongly feel she wanted from me, considering we would have gone all the way if there weren't kids running around the house as we both laid on the bed kissing and holding one another. I also distinctly remember her saying, "I usually date older guys" and we're about 8-9 months apart.

I had a similar experience not too long ago, very similar infact. I know exactly how you feel.
I really hate my girlfriends best-friend... She obviously dislikes me and hates me for "taking" her friend away. She's a bit isolated and doesn't have many friends and most of her friends are now coupled up (she doesn't have many guy friends either) which is a situation I can understand and I sympathise. But she's an absolute bitch to me but I have to fucking put up with it everyday or my girlfriend bitches at me about how I should be nice to her (which I am...) Sigh, wish she could just be happy her friend is happy... I swear she's a closet lesbian and is actually in love with my girlfriend... she's fat and ugly and unlikely to hook up soon so this problem will most likely continue for a while...

Well it sounds like she's being an immature bitch, so maybe you should make that clearer to your girlfriend. She should be standing up for you more if you're just sitting around taking shit for something that's at least as much your girlfriend's "fault" as it is your own. That's just fucked up.
It bothers me when I'm hanging with my friend and his girlfriend and then he leaves to do something.

Like on that Seinfeld episode.
Wow, there's a lolcat for everything. I think this applies to mL's situation:
I had a similar experience not too long ago, very similar infact. I know exactly how you feel.


I sat next to her in class today, tired to bring up the whole subject and she didn't even want to talk to me about it. I asked her why she plays games with people and she just stormed out of class in the middle of the lecture shortly after. Told me a lot about her character today, few things more I wish I could've said but I think she got the point.
Asked the bitch to the movies today. She said she's available but there's nothing she wants to see. Asked her if there's anything else she'd wanna do, she said go downtown and shop, but they're all closed, so she quickly and conveniently decided that she wants to wait until we "know each other better" and there are better movies out in a few weeks (and wait until the "weather is better" whatever that means). This is just getting annoying.