The Whining and Bitching Thread

I know exactly what you mean. I easily adjusted to being single again because I don't miss my ex, but even after two years I've still never re-adapted to not having sex.

It's crazy how much having a girlfriend re-defined the way I live my life though. Before I had one, I used to always concentrate on getting a girlfriend and I was convinced that sex wasn't important, but now having sex again is all that I can really think about, but finding a new girlfriend isn't a priority.

At this point I don't care which, whether I get my cake and/or eat it too.
I know exactly what you mean. I easily adjusted to being single again because I don't miss my ex, but even after two years I've still never re-adapted to not having sex.

It's crazy how much having a girlfriend re-defined the way I live my life though. Before I had one, I used to always concentrate on getting a girlfriend and I was convinced that sex wasn't important, but now having sex again is all that I can really think about, but finding a new girlfriend isn't a priority.

First off, you're a spoiled piece of shit.

Second, I'm curious to know why you find sex so much more important now. Do you think it's because you developed a psychological dependency on it, or is it more of a realisation that your quality of life is much higher with sex?
Read Sigmund Freud. The highest pleasurable state any person experience becomes the standard to which they strive. For those who never had so high an experience, they feel less an urge to experience it.

That is why when one enters a first relationship, he is thankful just for the affection of a significant other, but when it leads to sex, that becomes a higher goal by virtue of its stronger sensation than mere affection.
Well pleasure is certainly not something I equate with quality of life, so that doesn't exactly answer my question for him. A sense of meaning/fulfillment is just as important in life as pleasure, if not more so.
It's our biology telling us that our true purpose is to procreate, thus the physical sensations of pleasure increase the closer you come to living out that purpose. That's the same reason being in love with a person feels better than being in love with knowledge. You and I can try, as I often do, to rationalize that wisdom is the best goal, but the physical deprivations of love still regularly attack our psyche.

As for wisdom itself, it indirectly supports my biological purpose by giving me the knowledge to survive in the world and understand it.
Yeah. I don't necessarily try to convince myself that life is better without physical intimacy, but it's not that hard to ignore the urge as long as I'm not exposed to things which stimulate it (other than porn, which is depersonalised enough not to matter).
Maine is the only American state that is only one syllable

anyhow, ive decided im going to cut my hair, its at nipple length and my girlfriend says that it should be what i feel is right bla bla bla. My friends give the 'you look like a girl LOL' thing while my 'metal' friends say that cutting it retared. While i love headbanging and windmilling it does get fucking irritating to wash and look after all the time.
Of all people to be friendly to, ...Xorv? Does not compute.

Pretty much.

So I realized today that I absolutely suck at talking to people. It's not that I'm shy or that I say the wrong thing, it's just that I have trouble gauging the interest of people I'm talking to. So if someone asks me a question (about anything) I'll answer it and then give a one-sentence explanation; as it turns out, most people don't have the patience for that one sentence and aren't listening beyond the point where I answer the question, so I feel awkward. But then sometimes they are and are expecting an explanation, and so I feel like I'm being an asshole. This happens with people I don't know very well; with anyone I know well enough to say hi to or talk in class with, I have no trouble.
i hate intelligent women, independent women, women with standards, expectations etc. they should all just bend over at my will
I kind of suck at the Wednesday crossword. Monday is a joke, and I usually complete Tuesday more or less. Then I get to Wednesday and only get about a quarter of the way. Too many references to foreign languages and shit. Aggravating.
I hate that my girlfriend is leagues above me. When she introduces me to people and you can see the shock in their faces when they see me with her.

Though on the other hand i consider myself incredibly lucky.
Of all people to be friendly to, ...Xorv? Does not compute.

He's one of the few people on this site who has never annoyed me in any way, although I rarely see his posts. A lot of people dislike him, but he's not like the pile of worthless posers who obsess over disgusting slutty women, have horrible music taste and try to be right about dumb things while not actually being able to form a cohesive argument.

Realistically, I'd probably be up for giving out advice on a variety of topics to pretty much anyone who isn't an idiot if they asked for it and I feel like I have some answers.

thank you omni

the rest of you can lick my hole

It isn't a problem. Let me know if you need any more advice, and I'd like to hear how things are working out for you in the future.