The Whining and Bitching Thread


Since I'm an asshole who doesn't care what she thinks of me and since spring break is soon, I sent her a nice text basically saying "I know you're playing me and don't appreciate it." I followed this up with something like "Then again I realize if you really wanted to 'play' you wouldn't have said 'OK' when I asked you to text me earlier, and just would have not replied." I did this to maybe save my ass in case I'm wrong (which I doubt). I'll see her tomorrow and we'll see what happens.
Since I'm an asshole who doesn't care what she thinks of me and since spring break is soon, I sent her a nice text basically saying "I know you're playing me and don't appreciate it." I followed this up with something like "Then again I realize if you really wanted to 'play' you wouldn't have said 'OK' when I asked you to text me earlier, and just would have not replied." I did this to maybe save my ass in case I'm wrong (which I doubt). I'll see her tomorrow and we'll see what happens.

Now I know why you couldn't get the Traumatic Voyage album and pay your phone bill.
Who? Me? Ask specific questions and I'll see what I can do.

well I'm not going to ask you anything about my former relationship since that is pointless. I'm just going to ask you one thing. What kind of man do women really want? and was I right about what I mentioned earlier? (not apologizing for sexual desires, etc, it's up there ^ previous page though)
A major problem that women have is that they either don't know what they want or that they don't want what they think that they want. I'm not even going to go into that whole mess, because you probably already get the idea.

At the core, most intelligent women want the following in some form:
  • A guy who is loyal and can be depended upon in any situation, but won't just try to lead her by the hand. You don't have to be a puppy dog, but you need to be there when she needs you.
  • A guy who doesn't pretend to be someone that he isn't. You need to be honest about the person that you are. If you turn out to be someone else, she'll wonder what happened to the man that she loved.
  • A guy who lets her be herself. Don't have unrealistic expectations. Much like how you need to be honest about who you are, you need to give her the space to be herself.
  • A guy who knows how to get close. Lack of physical intimacy at any time of an established relationship isn't a good thing. She most likely wants you and wants you to want her, and you have to act upon this and make time to do so.
  • A guy who knows how to be corrected, and also knows how to correct her with grace. Disputes don't need to become arguments, so you have to be willing to listen and understand.

I hate talking on the phone, and have always preferred having any type of important or intimate conversations in person. It's just much better, and that could be part of why you're perceived as distant. I'm not sure exactly what the situation is. I assume that she doesn't live too far from you, so sometimes you should just call or text and say you're going to come by if she's okay with that, and then talk about whatever you were going to talk about on the phone. It seems like things go better for you in person, and I don't think that she'll have a problem with a guy who comes to see her and talk to her. Just remember to listen to her. You can also make your plans in person. I know that's something that I'd like to see more guys do.

Hopefully that helps. ;)
Sometimes I wish it never happened. I was telling my friend the other day. Once you've gone through it a while, doing without it for a while really sucks.
I know exactly what you mean. I easily adjusted to being single again because I don't miss my ex, but even after two years I've still never re-adapted to not having sex.

It's crazy how much having a girlfriend re-defined the way I live my life though. Before I had one, I used to always concentrate on getting a girlfriend and I was convinced that sex wasn't important, but now having sex again is all that I can really think about, but finding a new girlfriend isn't a priority.