The Whining and Bitching Thread

Quit lying, we know you like to go out and fuck tons of hoes, get drunk until you pass out, and then wake up the next morning and do it all over again!


I wish I could do that.
Well mostly the part about fucking.
Quit lying, we know you like to go out and fuck tons of hoes, get drunk until you pass out, and then wake up the next morning and do it all over again!


I wish I could do that.
Well mostly the part about fucking.

and you dont.....why?
I thought I wasn't going to go to college (due to bad grades) but I decided to go to a community college because i have nothing else better to do, heh.
Goddamnit my truck won't start. Ive been working on carburated cars my whole life but never fuel injected. I should take a community college class on how to work on fuel injected engines so i don't have to waste my money with a repair shop. FUCK, i don't have the money for this right now.
WAIF I agree with V5 and MoL. College rules. You do not want to postpone it. Everyone gets a little bit of senioritis.
I dunno. I've been planning the year off anyways. It all depends on whether or not the deferment is excepted, obviously.

btw taking a year off can heavily impair the amount of aid you'll be getting I believe.
I'm not getting shit anyways. My expected family contribution is over $43,000, which is fucking absurd because there's no way my family could ever pay that much. Anyhow, none of the schools I'm seriously considering cost that much, so I won't be getting any financial aid from the government. So it doesn't matter. But I plan to put 80% of what I earn towards college. Although it really depends on what the price tag is and whether I'll be able to get workstudy, because if I'll be able to earn money in college and it doesn't cost that much then it may free up certain resources.

So my whining and bitching for today:

I was walking down the hallway when this kid heaves a half-full plastic bottle at the back of my head. I barely know this kid; I was in one class with him and he struck me as typical obnoxious Boston Irish Catholic asshole - scum of the earth, in other words (this coming from a descendant of New York Irish atheists). I never bothered him, just ignored him, but he threw shit at me for no reason. Anyhow, back to the present. So I haven't spoken with him in over a year, and he whips a bottle at my head. Now, this isn't the classic case of a jock picking on some geek; I could kick his pasty ass up and down the senior hallway. Unfortunately, the school is incredibly strict about violence and we both know this. The only thing I can really do is just keep walking; this asshole isn't worth all the shit I'd get in, and really it's just pathetic that he's still throwing bottles like we did back in fifth grade. But it got me thinking about whether or not it would be better if I could have beaten the shit out of him. As in, would society be better if when one person severely provoked another they could fight without all the assault charges and other shit? Then, of course, I realized that no it fucking wouldn't. But I'd still like to kick this guy's ass. Which is bad, really; I was the target of an unbelievable amount of shit from other kids up till high school, at which point some of them grew up and the rest wound up in standard classes where I never saw them; in order to deal with this I just ignored them, but I'm having trouble just forgetting about this. It's really not good.
FAFSA is fair. I hated hearing people complain about how much they had to pay, when they lived in an expensive house and their parents drove BMWs or big SUVs. At $43K, your parents aren't doing too bad (rich as fuck, probably), and they have the money. My contribution was $7K or so.

You certainly won't qualify for any kind of need-based aid, but there are some gov't grants and loans you can still get.