The Whining and Bitching Thread

Since when is this the pics thread?
I'm gonna complain again about the lack of drummers in the area.
Probably because they figured out you have aggressive tendencies

I'm not aggressive. I was just super fucking stressed and really hated that teacher. And most people at my school are potheads I don't want to associate with anyway and even if I did want to associate with them they live miles and miles away and I can't drive.

Suicide is the only answer, Feather and Flames.

For dipshit emos. I'm just gonna work hard in school for a few months so I can get the fuck out of this shithole.

edit: I hate how if I don't tell my parents my feelings they give me this bullshit that they can't trust me, but if I tell them how I feel they screw shit up for me.
Yay, I don't live in some freezing cold shithole. :p We got our one awesome blizzard over here, and that was it.

@F&F: Hang in there dude. Things will probably get better for you once you get to college. More independence + a wider variety of people to hang out with. I barely had any friends in high school, but in college I made a ton of friends.
@Joe: Exactly. It's the same way here, given that the school is big enough not to be preppy and cliquish. Cliques are a bitch in high school.
A clique is how a lot of (or most) teenagers organise themselves socially in middle/high school. It's a group of people you hang out with virtually all the time, and which is generally very unaccepting of people outside the clique. Kids in grade school are generally just very closed-minded when it comes to meeting or talking to others their age.
This isn't even snow, it's just sludge raining down from the sky. Fuck this.

I'm not really complaining, but I'm really glad I'm planning on taking a year off after graduation, because I am NOT in the right mindset to be going to college. I've been apathetic all through the process (I didn't do much research on any of the colleges, just picked some good ones I had a decent shot at in places I liked without having any idea what those schools were good at - the fact that I've been admitted to an excellent school with a notable department in the field in which I expect to want to study is pure coincidence), and now apathy is setting in about schoolwork too. The "who cares, it's second semester" attitude is really easy and tempting, but it's not the attitude of someone who is going to succeed in college come September. I really need this year just to cool off and get myself excited and motivated about my future and about learning again.
I don't know if it's a great idea to skip a year between HS and college. If you thought you were apathetic now... just see what 12 months of doing nothing will do to you. Unless you are planning on doing something particular (work, volunteering), or if you have Jew levels of money to travel or fritter away, you'll be bored. Blowing off the 2nd semester of senior year, and then relaxing in the summer should adequately refresh someone for college. Besides, unlike HS you generally are going to be taking courses that interest you.