The Whining and Bitching Thread

So you not only admit to buying things for girls for the express purpose of getting laid, but you admit to recognizing that the girls are there to get people like you to buy them drinks? Yeah, that's pretty much the definition of being a tool.

Surely you're going to think less of me after this; but frankly, I don't give a shit. You obviously have no experience in buying girls drinks, and clearly spend most of your time in your parents' basement spinning records that don't exist.

It's a good thing you have Omni to suck your cock, because if she didn't exist you'd be the loneliest fucker I've ever met.
Then why did you resort to making retarded accusations about my personal life? I'm starting to grow weary of everybody making bullshit assumptions about how I live my life every time that I express an opinion about something that differs from the norm. Accusing me of being lonely because I don't go to bars trying to get laid? I don't know, to me, the person who goes to a bar trying to get laid sounds kind of lonely to me, so I don't see where you're getting that from. I don't talk about my personal life, so how would you know anything about it, other than what I say that I don't do? Apparently all you people do is getting wasted and try to get laid if my refraining from these activities leads you to believe that I don't do anything sociable, as if there's nothing else out there.
Do you know why girls hang out at bars? They don't hang out there to find their soul mate.

Some do. Others go to the bar searching for some dick. I go to the bar to drink and hang out with friends. We all have different agendas so you can't generalize and say that women only hang out at bars to get free drinks and penis.

No, fucktard, what I'm accusing you of is being a dick to people who go to bars and try to get pussy. You think you're better than everyone else because you're enlightened and sit at home because when you go to bars girls shut you down. You assume that people who go to bars with the sole purpose of getting laid are tools, and that pisses me the fuck off. Sex is a huge part of human life, especially in the age we live in, and you think you're above that. You're a fucking asshole who makes fun of other people that try to get pussy because you can't get any yourself.

@Whiskey: the number of girls who go to bars to find their soulmate is so small that it basically negates any purpose of going to a bar for that reason. If a girl is with her friends, obviously she's not there to get dick. However, if a girl is at a bar, by herself, there's little chance that she's there to find the man she's going to spend the rest of her life with. Ergo, she wants cock. I'm not romanticizing anything, I'm just stating how things are.

I don't even know what to say, because you're getting way too defensive to the point that you're assuming things that I'm not even saying. Just because I think something is stupid doesn't mean I think I'm "above" it. That's just retarded. I don't think I'm "above" people who smoke or listen to pop music or read crappy Babysitter's Club novels, regardless of what I personally think of these things. Just calm down and don't worry about what I think about what you do, especially after you say that you don't. Now I'm going to go out and BE COOL AND SOCIABLE AND DO SOMETHING OH MAN I FEEL LIKE SO MUCH LESS OF A LONELY LOSER NOW WOOOOOOOO :lol:
Whatever. You're saying that you're not taking this argument seriously, when in truth you were:

Then why did you resort to making retarded accusations about my personal life? I'm starting to grow weary of everybody making bullshit assumptions about how I live my life every time that I express an opinion about something that differs from the norm. Accusing me of being lonely because I don't go to bars trying to get laid? I don't know, to me, the person who goes to a bar trying to get laid sounds kind of lonely to me, so I don't see where you're getting that from. I don't talk about my personal life, so how would you know anything about it, other than what I say that I don't do? Apparently all you people do is getting wasted and try to get laid if my refraining from these activities leads you to believe that I don't do anything sociable, as if there's nothing else out there.

This entire argument is a very serious attack on what I said before. So don't try and act like you cared nothing for what was being said.

Accusing me of being lonely because I don't go to bars trying to get laid? I don't know, to me, the person who goes to a bar trying to get laid sounds kind of lonely to me, so I don't see where you're getting that from.

This is the end of the argument if you ask me.
I didn't have any idea Ein was so......... wow, yeah. Almost everything he's said is ass-backwards. I need to not check this thread for a few pages, because I will probably end up saying or doing something that gets me banned or worse. That whole love and respect one another thing? You're the sort of person who is the absolute hardest to hold back from doing the complete opposite to for me. You're going to make similar assumptions as with Dodens, which are wrong, and that's fine. I just really hope we don't speak in the future tbh.
I don't know, to me, the person who goes to a bar trying to get laid sounds kind of lonely to me, so I don't see where you're getting that from.

Or it sounds like someone just trying to have a good time. It's amazing how different people can perceive things differently.

Just because I think something is stupid doesn't mean I think I'm "above" it.

This is such a stupid argument. You called anyone who does this "tools." It automatically implies that you think you're better than anyone who does this. If you consider someone a tool, you believe that you are better than that person. Saying "just because I think something is stupid doesn't mean I think I'm 'above' it" is just a fucking retarded statement.

This is the end of the argument if you ask me.

No one's asking you.

I didn't have any idea Ein was so......... wow, yeah. Almost everything he's said is ass-backwards. I need to not check this thread for a few pages, because I will probably end up saying or doing something that gets me banned or worse. That whole love and respect one another thing? You're the sort of person who is the absolute hardest to hold back from doing the complete opposite to for me. You're going to make similar assumptions as with Dodens, which are wrong, and that's fine. I just really hope we don't speak in the future tbh.

:cool: Don't be such a square.

This entire argument is dumb.
Just because the dude wants to get laid, doesn't mean he doesn't respect women, or that he wouldn't be in a relationship, I'm sure.
Sex is just sex, it doesn't always have to be some romantic venture. It's not like you can just walk out your door and start a relationship with someone. Where as, it's generally much easier, (I assume, being only 19 and all) to pick up some random bar whore to fuck. That sounds a bit uptight of you, Mr. Ice. To make assumptions on that, is kinda ridiculous.

Dodens v. Einherjar was a fight I have been waiting to happen for a long time... that was awesome... It was like the UM version of Ali-Frazier.
I'm not continuing this any more. Einherjer, I don't have a problem with you. I'm getting tired of this fighting. What I'm really getting tired of, though, it the recent barrage of attacks on my personal life that have been flying lately. I'm hoping the next time somebody doesn't have anything else to add to their argument they won't resort to personal attacks.

Just to clarify one thing, the way that I use the term 'tool' is to think with your dick. I think it's pretty clear that when you buy a chick a beer in the hopes to get laid, you're thinking with your dick. I don't think this is necessarily a bad thing. It's just not something I personally would do. Now we can probably end this. I'm not even going to bother responding to any specific posts made after my last post.