The Whining and Bitching Thread

@WAIF, wait for him as he leaves school grounds and bust a 40 oz over his worthless potato eating head then repeatedly stomp in his ribcage or pull a Daniel Vineyard and tell him to put his mouth to the curb.

should do the trick
ARGHHH!! Why are women so confusing??? I'M DISTANT? are you fucking serious? I called you more often than not to ask My (supposed) girlfriend out, only to get more often than not excuses. HOW THE FUCK AM I DISTANT WHEN YOU'RE SHADY?? FUCK WOMEN!! FUCK!!

edit - sure we may have never really established a strong phone relationship. But how am I suppose to react to someone who in person is awesome, but over the phone doesn't seem to give any momentum to the conversation? I just can't stand the awkward silence over a telephone, at least in person you can mask that with kissing and what not.

ohhhh my goooooosssshhh. I've dealt with Rubik's cubes that are easier than some of these ladies.
Having a similar problem at the moment, though I haven't been called distant. I told this chick I've been hanging out with that we should go see a movie or otherwise date sometime this week and she said that'd be nice. So I've been trying to make plans and I'm getting excuses etc. Tonight I told her to get back to me on if she's available or not, either way, I told her I wanted her to let me know. She hasn't texted me at all. And she won't. I'll confront her on it tomorrow and get a dumb excuse. Ready to give up and go to the next bitch tbh.

Oh and I know she's probably not leading me on; generally when a chick's leading you on, and you tell her you're going to eat with your friends, she doesn't invite herself along and beat you to the restaurant.
Sometimes I wish it never happened. I was telling my friend the other day. Once you've gone through it a while, doing without it for a while really sucks.
FAFSA is fair. I hated hearing people complain about how much they had to pay, when they lived in an expensive house and their parents drove BMWs or big SUVs. At $43K, your parents aren't doing too bad (rich as fuck, probably), and they have the money. My contribution was $7K or so.
We can pay for the schools I want to go to, but for example I had to cross NYU off because it was too much. My family is well-off, but we cannot actually pay $43k - that's complete fantasy. Most of our money is in our house, tbh. We have a Dodge Grand Caravan, which we got three years ago upgrading from the old Dodge Caravan - 15 years old, I think. Ranked nationally we're definitely well-off but I live in Brookline, so we're almost poor.

Joe. Confront him next opportunity, and ask him why he did it, then threaten to kick his ass and walk away.
That sounds really lame. "Hey man, why'd you throw a bottle at me? Do it again and I'll stomp your ass." This would be made lamer by the knowledge that I'd never do it because of the really really strict fighting policy here. The cops usually get involved since they have nothing better to do. I'm not endangering my college admittance or graduation over some punk. I'm just gonna ignore him. It stings because I'd really like to kick his ass but it's honestly more important that in 15 years I get to have him ask me for a job.

Both. I envy people who manage not to let it bother them.
My right hand fits my schedule and knows just how I like it.
tbh I think this chick is probably playing me. I won't take that, so I'll tell her tomorrow and ask why she never texted me back at all tonight despite seeming interested.
@zeph especially when it interferes with your studies/hobbies and you wake up and go to sleep thinking about someone that is truly so meaningless.

from now on I'm just going to confront every beauty that I see and present myself as is. If they reject me, the hell with them. I'm the prize, not them. When it comes to women you really should have no regrets, don't hide your desires, never apologize for being a sexual being or a man, and just roll with it.

btw, good to know that I'm not the only one having problems.

(the irony of it all is that on some hip hop/gangsta rap msg board somewhere they're probably having the opposite effect with women than us)
@zeph especially when it interferes with your studies/hobbies and you wake up and go to sleep thinking about someone that is truly so meaningless.

Sooo true, man. The day after I broke up with my girlfriend I started listening to audiobooks, so that any stretch of time that might lead to depressive thoughts I'll have some historian doing the thinking for me, and about more exciting subjects.
from now on I'm just going to confront every beauty that I see and present myself as is.

word of advice tho, never get into the cure's disintegration while at the same time dealing with problems like these cuz it really messes with you big time.

oh i miss the kiss of treachery the shameless
kiss of vanity the soft and the black and the
velvety up tight against the side of me and
mouth and eyes and heart all bleed and run in
thickening streams of greed as bit by bit it
starts the need to just let go my party piece