The Whining and Bitching Thread

(M)aggot said:
You really don't know the guy, she already hurt her once with a fucking tennis ball, ofcourse it was an accident. The guy isn't really smart.
Kick his ass, tbh.

You arent obligated to read it if the font bothers you.
You have an option to be able to change it. Its there for a reason.
Stick around here and you'll notice no one uses funny fonts because they're annoying. This forum uses a generic forum template; go on other forums and you'll see they're very very similar. That's why you can change your font - because as much as we want to we can't remove that option.
yes, this is true.

however one person making a comment and 4748 commenting immediately after saying the same thing is... fucking stupid
Alright, let's move on to a different topic now, all your ranting about waif is useless, it's not gonna change how the kid is.
So, my complaining for today: girls are fucking retarded. It's not that hard to run as a straight line with your team mates on defence. And, if your having troubles completing a timed mile, maybe its time to actually start working harder at practice. No big shocker there, you can't expect to be a superstar rugby player without working at it. It's also, not difficult to wait in the place you said you were going to meet a person at.
And guys need to learn to fuck off sometimes. If I don't respond positively to you asking for sex, then you should probably get the idea that it's not going to happen. AND if you want to get some ass, then you probably shouldn't be telling me about the other girl that you're 'in love with' and how you want to have her so badly.
/ end rant :)
I agree on that count. But then women can be just as bad when they go on about 'abusive' ex boyfriends. Especially when they then say the line 'you're just as bad as whatshisname!' when you're done nothing to them. Thus confirming they are infact psychotic hormone monsters.

Luckily there are nice examples of men and women that give me a small degree of hope.

Oh, and font changes aren't so bad. Some of them strain the eye a little, but it's no big deal. It's people who post in different colours that annoy me. Especially if it clashes with the background. I mean, do they want people to read their posts?
And guys need to learn to fuck off sometimes. If I don't respond positively to you asking for sex, then you should probably get the idea that it's not going to happen. AND if you want to get some ass, then you probably shouldn't be telling me about the other girl that you're 'in love with' and how you want to have her so badly.
/ end rant :)


'getting some ass' > hurting your feelings by showing off your man-slutness..?

former = not man-slutness?


well, you did just mention girls were retarded..
Speaking of slutness, so this woman wearing a shirt the other day that read "I may have a bad mouth but I can do good things with it".
......................................Really? That's what you want your shirt to say?That's really what you want to advertise?Why not just get one that says "I give great blowjobs, ask for a free sample" or something and cut to the fucking chase. Total lack of self respect, and women wonder why they get objectified.