Thermionik Amp Modeler Plugin by Kazrog LLC

@MrBongo: the Visual Studio C++ redistributables (or Microsoft runtimes or how you would call them) are _not_ all inclusive. So installing 2013 does not automatically install 2012 or 2010 :). (DotNet kinda the same, installing 1.0 is not the same as 2.0.. from from 2.0 to 3.5 to 4.5 they _arE_ inclusive. Really confusing stuff, and mostly this is why they are included in the installers for software, cause it's too much work and understanding for regular users to know this stuff. I guess Kazrog had his mind on different things this weekend :P).

4.0.0 from Recabinet needs the 2012 one (there seems to be only one installer for x86 or x64 for this, so just the microsoft link for 'visual c++ redistributable 2012 update 4'. Installing the separate DLL's may work, but it's really not recommended

I'm going to be brutally honest here. I was unaware that Microsoft allows developers to include these libraries with their installers, and I used to think these libraries were included with Windows by default, and that only users running hacked minimal Windows builds would have these kinds of issues. I'll make sure that's handled by the installer from now on.

But really, why doesn't Microsoft include their own SDK's DLLs with their OS? They fill your drive with tons of useless bloatware (MS Paint, Comic Sans, etc.), but leave out key DLLs that would be used by a huge percentage of applications for their platform. :goggly:

Although I agree with you completely :), just want to say: They're called 'redistributable' for a reason, you're intended to redistribute them :P
Thermionik sounds amazing and I'm able to dial in very convincing tones. I still need to try it out by playing my guitar through it but so far I like it a lot!

There are some bugs that I experienced. Using Recabinet 4 in Reaper with a sample rate of 88.2khz results in the output being very high to the point of overloading the channel, crackling and dropouts even with the output lowered (CPU was only around 13% with 1 instance in use) and a beeping tone being played back. Switching the sample rate to 44.1khz removed these problems.

I also have problems with the UI. The bottom of the EQ section is cut off due to the big size and none of the functions in the top bar are working. I'm on a MacBook Pro Retina 15" using OS X 10.8.5.

It would be great to have a different GUI for each amp model including controls for all voicing options and any additional amp controls offered with the original amps, as well as being able to switch channels directly on the amp UI instead of selecting a different option from the drop down menu. I think it would make for a much nicer experience.
This thread is worthless without pics.... I would like to see the interface. Can anyone post some screenshots?
@Kazrog: Reported the 'level' control in the poweramp section still working even though poweramp section is bypassed. Once again her for good meassure :P.

You can add to it: The treble control still working even when the preamp section is bypassed :P. Was trying to try Studio Devil amp-modeler preamp only jcm-style stuff into your Serpent-poweramp + IR. Got weird results because the treble was still cranked in your bypassed preamp :P.

The Level control is designed to work whether or not the power amp is bypassed. It's the master output level of Thermionik, and this is documented in the manual.

The Treble control's position is factored into the output volume regardless of whether the preamp is enabled or not. This shouldn't be that way when bypassed, and is a bug, but it doesn't color the sound in any way.
[Prime];10920954 said:
This thread is worthless without pics.... I would like to see the interface. Can anyone post some screenshots?


controls for all voicing options and any additional amp controls offered with the original amps

Have to agree with this. Some amps, including the Savage, get a lot of use out of their contour/brightness/extra gain options. If the time was already taken to model all their channels, I think this is the logical next step, although it would make the GUI look a little different. :)
Have to agree with this. Some amps, including the Savage, get a lot of use out of their contour/brightness/extra gain options. If the time was already taken to model all their channels, I think this is the logical next step, although it would make the GUI look a little different. :)

In a forthcoming update, the area of the plugin where the tubes are is going to be used as a panel for additional amp controls (when applicable.) All controls on the original amps have been modeled, they just haven't made it into the plugin yet.
@Dominus: Early adopters like the latest updates of software stuff? Or early adopters for hardware? Cause Intel's haswell line has been out since november last year or something, wouldn't call that an early adopter. Any ready-made PC bought in the last year probably has a chip like that, and it's the go-to cpu line for homemade-builds (or you go AMD)... But in the audio world people are... how to say it nicely... 'slow' to catch up in the tech world :).
Just wanna state that if the problem is really latest Windows SDK + Intel 4xxx line (or even the 3xxx with it), I would blame Microsoft, cause the intel chip design has been around for almost a year and is considered 'mainstream'.
I think it's insane a bug like that can creep up into the Windows SDK or compiler suite and there is no clear statement from MS about it (I couldn't find it for what it's worth).

Devil's Canyon came out in June/July of this year:

I stepped up from the previous Haswell from last year and a plugin that was working on the old CPU stopped working on the new one.

I can't find any reference to the bug either, but changing to the old SDK fixes the issue. With the new SDK, the 32 bit version of the plugin works, and the x64 doesn't. (It just doesn't show up in the plugin list.)
I did some reamping of my old mixes and wasn't really that impressed. However, I did some retakes and played the guitars again through the plug-in and all smiles now. Love the "rawness" of the sound as some others have mentioned as well. Great job!

One question: is there a way to insert effect plug-ins in the signal chain (ie. an effect loop type of a deal)? Of course besides the obvious two instances with only the preamp on in the first and poweramp + cabin in the second. That would make this a killer.
I did some reamping of my old mixes and wasn't really that impressed. However, I did some retakes and played the guitars again through the plug-in and all smiles now. Love the "rawness" of the sound as some others have mentioned as well. Great job!

One question: is there a way to insert effect plug-ins in the signal chain (ie. an effect loop type of a deal)? Of course besides the obvious two instances with only the preamp on in the first and poweramp + cabin in the second. That would make this a killer.

Not yet, and unfortunately bypassing Thermionik in the plugin window does not lower the CPU usage (yet.) A standalone version of Thermionik will be released as a bonus download for registered users, which will allow VST hosting.
In a forthcoming update, the area of the plugin where the tubes are is going to be used as a panel for additional amp controls (when applicable.) All controls on the original amps have been modeled, they just haven't made it into the plugin yet.

AH man awesome news. Was wondering if it would be too much or too late to ask for a vintage/modern switch on the Duality somewhere
A quick test with it:

I only had an hour to put together.

The Bass pre-amp is...I don't know what's trying to be achieved there, but it was thin, unusable. So, back to Ignite Amps SHB and Recab 4 impulses. Drums are SSD4 preset.

I must say, the growl of the Duality Lead - wow. I know it won't be everyone's tone, as the punk side of me likes more organic, earthy tones suited for simple, driving riffs than super tight for technical riffs. Anyway, it has the presence to sit where it should, but also has the balls about it, tearing the speaker cone out on each side. I think I need to experiment with some pedals in front to try tighten it up a bit.

There's an amp sound I've had in my head since I was 14 that I have been chasing, and I think I'm going to find it in this plug. I'm really liking this.
Congratulations, Shane! I'm getting nice sounds out of Thermionik already.
Something I noticed is inconsistency in loudness when between amp models. I've been switching amps while knobs stayed untouched and Damage and Serpent are much quieter than the others. Bass amp is really really quiet as well. The difference is even more drastic with the power amp disabled.
I'm sure stuff like that will be fixed in the future updates.

Other than that I have to say duality's grain and damage's mids are impressive.
@KAZROG : of course you are allowed to provide the dll in your installer. By the way, you should find somewhere in your VC folders a exe file called something like vc_redist (there are both x86 and x64 version) These ones are freely distrubuable. It is possible to download them from the MS web site, but this is a pain in the @$$ to find the right one. It depends of VS version AND which SP you use.
I have a CPU issue too...
44.1kHz samples rate, i also tried setting the fader to "no oversampling".

Shouldn't be a hardware issue
Win 7 (64bit)
Cubase 7 (64 bit)
Intel i7 / 16 GB Ram


I can't use the plugin like that. Seems i have to be patient and wait for the first update.

I have a CPU issue too...
44.1kHz samples rate, i also tried setting the fader to "no oversampling".

Shouldn't be a hardware issue
Win 7 (64bit)
Cubase 7 (64 bit)
Intel i7 / 16 GB Ram


I can't use the plugin like that. Seems i have to be patient and wait for the first update.


Try a higher buffer setting and/or lower sample rate. 256 samples per buffer at 44.1 or 48kHz is stable on almost any system.

A lower "low quality" mode is being worked on for the next update to improve performance during tracking.

PS - there's now an official Kazrog forum at KVRAudio, so we won't end up clogging Andy's forum with 8 million Recabinet threads. :cool: