Thermionik Amp Modeler Plugin by Kazrog LLC

Hahaha this reminds me of guys bankrupting themselves building Bitcoin mining rigs. So sorry for the CPU issues, guys. I'm also exploring NVIDIA CUDA as a future possibility.
I seem to be getting a 57% usage in Presonus StudioOne x64 with no other plugins engaged. However, on Reaper x64 it hardly crosses 5%.


Core i5 2500k, 4cores, 8threads
44.1 khz sample rate
256 samples
i reported the same via support page, only to find that reaper is showing totally nonsense cpu usage, on just one of my 2 computers.

it pretty much made one computer crap out below 10% reported usage in reaper, while it showed correct values on the other one :err:

btw: 5% seems correct, it´s 20-21% on an i5-2400 at 64samples buffer
@Kazrog: FYI, Recabinet 4 seems to be extremely stable via the Fxpansion VST>RTAS Wrapper in Pro Tools 9. Just thought I'd let you know. Don't know if it matters :loco:
Word thanks brah! Btw recab 4 is so badass dude! Thanks so much for all the effort that was put into this. Between this and x50v2 I'm not really sure I need to do much reamping these days.
So, please excuse the sloppy playing here - I've been extremely busy working on the 4.0.1 update and had a few minutes to play guitar today, for the first time in over a week. This is off the cuff improv, designed to showcase how versatile Thermionik is, even with this initial pack of modern "high gain" amps. This particular preset is using a Fender Eric Johnson Stratocaster (middle pickup setting) into the Crunch channel of the Damage model into a couple of vintage cabinets:

As you can hear, I'm periodically tweaking the guitar's volume knob to get a cleaner sound, but this model is also highly responsive to picking attack even with the guitar volume cranked. This was created using the 4.0.1 beta (in progress.)

Download preset here.
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maybe too quick to respond :P, but if I log in in the normal member area, the link I get is for 4.0.1, but the link still reads 4.0.0 (Win x64 VST anyway). Minor thing :P
Just wanted to drop a line and say thanks for making the demo available. I've been planning on picking this up because I liked Recab 3 well enough and "why not?", but I always like to try the demos of new things because I run a fairly old setup ( win vista64 / cubase 5 ).

I inserted this on some current guitar noodling / superior projects and I am blown away. To speak to the accuracy, the Dual Recto actually sounds like my Dual Recto. Its very dynamic feeling, very open but with a bit of that ugly fizz that makes Rectos so cool. The 5150 is dead on, Ive played and recorded enough to comment I would say. I dont own any of the other guitar amps modeled but they all have the vibe that I would expect them to have going on and just sound flat out superb.

Also, I've always been sort of lukewarm to the majority of the stock impulse library in Recab but in conjunction with the amp sim they actually sound pretty remarkable across the board.

The only critique I have is regarding the BassOmatic amp model, It just sounded plain awful to me, am I missing something? Is it for blending with a full range bass tone or do I need to think about how I set it up differently than a normal amp? It just sounds kind of tinny and wacky. In fairness, I REALLY liked some of the clean channel models going into a stock recab bass cab, so its not like great bass tones arent available in the plug, I just thought it was odd the one for bass seemed the worst on bass.

Anyways, Im definitely going in full VIP after demoing this. Awesome work on this. I totally recommend that people check this out for themselves.