Things I Fucking Hate


Interesting concept - I'm sure the christians would LOVE that one!! :lol:

Just imagine two lovers sitting somewhere getting romantic & going "Awwww, isn't this great? Such a beautiful night.. the stars are out & the moon is...WHAT THE...????!!!"

:lol: :lol: :lol:
Yeah, Darkspot, myself, and 2 of our friends were gonna see Jackass tomorrow night... mainly because our first choice, The Ring, isn't playing at our theater, but also because we want to see it... but it's R, and we're not fucking old enough, and I refuse to bring a parent (although we could probably pull off a sneak-in, it's useless, because of what I'm about to say...) Anyway, we found The Ring at a nearby place and are going to that. I hear it's scary as shit... I hope it's good.
Originally posted by famousamoswillkillyou
:lol: Moon/sky advertisements?!?!? Damnit, this world really is going to Hell in a handbasket...

Next thing ya know, we'll all be having bar codes burned on our heads. Or is it Coke ads?? I can't remember...:lol:
Originally posted by famousamoswillkillyou
Anyway, we found The Ring at a nearby place and are going to that. I hear it's scary as shit... I hope it's good.

Not really scary, but creepy in parts, and real freaking bizarre videotape to boot!:yow:
The scary thing is that the U.S government has always had a big stake in Hollywood & a big influence on what comes outta there...

"Collateral Damage", anyone!? Talk about propaganda!

Minority Report may not be *too* far off, boys & girls! :(

...AND where do politicians get there money from? BIG COMPANIES. I think a small company like Coca Cola will eventually have their way with Moon advertising! Hey, maybe we can sabotage it & play some Neveromore clips on it instead!!

..or porn.

Lately, this government of ours (the US) is being a real pain in my ass. I mean, there are lots of positives, but the negatives are often overlooked... we're being commercialized and censored (I know a lot of people disagree with that, but I still feel as though freedom of speech hasn't completely been granted) and it's really fucked up... but then again, we can't do anything about it, even though these people "represent" us. I really don't want to be represented by George W. Bush. Some of us actually have the proper skills to consume a pretzel without choking and making headlines everywhere... and we don't use shitty spur-of-the-moment phrases like "fuzzy math", nor do we have our thumbs permanently shoved up our asses (SOME of us, I said). And if the media totally blows another event out of proportion (a year after September 11th, so all day we have to watch sad shit and cry and feel sad and listen to names of everyone that died and ring lots of bells; election day, so let's not do anything but make charts about the candidates and the GOP and the Democrats and blah blah blah, it's just gonna be the same, some dickhead'll end up in charge and fuck everything up more), I'm going to... do something horrid.

And I don't have this attitude to be "cool". Cool is overrated, and I'd rather be fucked up anyway. It's more fun.
Wow. That was a long rant. I must need sleep.
Originally posted by famousamoswillkillyou
nor do we have our thumbs permanently shoved up our asses (SOME of us, I said).

Hahahaha... I get the point, you don't have to be throwing hints left and right whenever you post something.
"freedom of speech hasn't completely been granted"

We are taught that a freedom is something we have the right to do. The concept of freedom is manufactured (manmade). We really can do anything (except i haven't figured out a way around physics yet), but the government punishes us for doing certain things. We can do anything we want, the difference is only whether or not we are punished for it. A freedom (like speech) is something we are not punished for, and we are taught that the things we are punished for are evil. Freedom cannot exist without something limiting what we can do.
The idea of freedom of speech and what it is today is pure bullshit.The only way you have freedom of speech,are allowed to say something and not be censored is if it's something that is "politically correct,","pro-America,"not profane,etc.If you say anythying that is unacceptable,then you are censored or incarcirated.And if you're a musician,then your albums are steam-rolled in public.So John Lennon said that the Beatles were more popular than Jesus...ppl got all angry and offended.So that would lead one to think that the opinions of those ppl are things like "How dare he say something like that.My religion is the only religoion that matters and people that don't believe that shouldn't be allowed to say anything at all."I don't know,maybe this isn't my best arguement on this issue,but I'm not feeling up to putting up a good argument right about now.Sorry.
I think BWD just got dumped (or passed over) by a girl, who ditched him for her high school dropout ex, thus the ranting of what he hates.

Nonetheless i agree with you on every point.

"I hate stupid people. Stupid people should have to wear signs, that way you wouldn't trust 'em, and they wouldn't breed."