Things that really bother you about this forum right now...


Indefinite Entity
Sep 27, 2006
Unsure and Inexact
Thread is basically what the titles says...

Say all the things that are really bothering you about this forum right now, whatever they are. Who knows you problem might actually be addressed soon... So yeah, give it your best shot.

No flaming or retarded shit though. Be warned.
Yes, be warned.

Trolling, flaming, or being an idiot in this thread, will get you banned.

THIS IS SERIOUS BUSINESS, BE WARNED. (Take this as a warning in advance, so you don't baaaw if you get banned.)
Well Nick and I and others have noticed some things that aren't so great lately, we're just trying to get a look at the whole picture from everyone. This thread isn't about drama, it's about letting everyone have a chance to voice their opinion now, so they can't complain later.
Secrets :D

But seriously, if you have noticed any RE-OCCURING problems that have either bugged you or you've seen effect someone else let it be known now, any help is appreciated!
How about some irony?

The only problem I seem to see on here, is everybody trying to find problems...

I was about to post: "Seriously, I don't really think that there's a problem on COBOT, or at least I don't see it but that's not the first time I say that" and I just realized that it's like the third thread about that.

I have fun here, yeah there's time in the year where there's more people, there was also a time in my 3 year here that were funnier, but I don't see that as a problem, and I won't certainly blame the others for that.

Well, anyway that doesn't help and again it's possible that there is more serious problem that I might not see.
How about some irony?

The only problem I seem to see on here, is everybody trying to find problems...

I was about to post: "Seriously, I don't really think that there's a problem on COBOT, or at least I don't see it but that's not the first time I say that" and I just realized that it's like the third thread about that.

I have fun here, yeah there's time in the year where there's more people, there was also a time in my 3 year here that were funnier, but I don't see that as a problem, and I won't certainly blame the others for that.

Well, anyway that doesn't help and again it's possible that there is more serious problem that I might not see.

Yeah but lets try to not influence other people, at this point I would be curious to see what problems the others see. I don't want them to fell shy to post because we said there's no problem :lol:
How about some irony?

The only problem I seem to see on here, is everybody trying to find problems...

I was about to post: "Seriously, I don't really think that there's a problem on COBOT, or at least I don't see it but that's not the first time I say that" and I just realized that it's like the third thread about that.

I have fun here, yeah there's time in the year where there's more people, there was also a time in my 3 year here that were funnier, but I don't see that as a problem, and I won't certainly blame the others for that.

Well, anyway that doesn't help and again it's possible that there is more serious problem that I might not see.

100% agreed. I was going to reply to this thread earlier today but then I realized that I have done it already earlier. But it would be interesting to hear what are those problems.
I can't see any problem here, except the absence of a sub-forum dedicated to pure spamming!!! :lol: Those are actually quite fun, you can turn the post counter off from it so people don't postcount+1 theire way with useless flaming spam, but good-hearted spam always lightens the day and binds the community together!! :lol: