I'll give a go to some stuff:
And I quote Corny just because he made me laugh, this comment isn't by any means an attack towards you man.
Perhaps it's a bit boring, but I don't see problems other than that.
No trolls, no raids, no extreme flaming, no modwars... Wait, I said "boring", right?

Maybe for the regulars, but being a new user when I registered was a fucking nightmare. You had to stick to


and keep acumulating posts, because if you posted your opinion it was all AMG NOOB STFU YOU KNOW SHIT or a meatspin link or whatever,

The only kind comment I got in my first year here was a pm telling me that that user agreed with me about AYDY not being that bad, so you see: On Topic section comment and still via pm so the regulars didn't see her agreeing with teh OMG NOOB
Now I laugh when I remember that days, but in those moments it fucking sucked balls. Being a noob in COBT today isn't a challenge anymore, you'll only get some NEWAG STFU from Gon or Swabs, but not anymore like that old COBOT that people miss and I don't understand why.
POSTCOUNT: IMO people here cares too much about the postcount and some belive in some old days that they didn't even get to know. I've always been of the opinion that postcount or the time here being things that make you better than a newbie is fucking retarded and I'm still like that. I've never treated Joe or Swabs (2 persons that have postcount in mind too much for my taste) worse that others because they joined after me. Joe said in a post above me that he thinks >Noel< is a troll and implies that 33 posts in a day is too much. Well, I think that it can perfectly be that it's the first day he joined, he was excited about it and started making posts.
With this I'm not trying to attack Joe or Swabs or Gon or any of the regulars, but just saying what I see and what I think about it. Withouth postcounts we'd have to read the posts and judge the people for what they wrote instead of by the number of posts. An asshole regular is an asshole regular no matter how many posts he/she does, and a cool noob is a cool noob even if he has 1 post. Of course there are dumb noobs too, but if we don't even give them a chance then the forum gets stuck at the same point always.
Now you can flame me.