things that suck

This guy I was working with, who when we were under deadline, took 4x too long to do something really simple, and then took a two hour lunch break immediately following, and then came back and complained about working this hard was fucking up his sleep schedule.
i third the humidity thing
and second josh's people who buy hummers (at least that's what i thought it was)

american news/media
parents who don't know how to be parents (those who don't discipline or keep an eye on their kids)
ppl who have kids to meet welfare requirements and get more funds

whoa. reel it back a bit there, chupe.

shaving- cuz it just grows back in like a day or two.
debt- cuz it won't permanently go away, like the hair.
i don't have or want a car. i am pro-public transit and pro-bike. yet if i got a car, i would want a hummer (a real military one, not a knockoff consumerized version). a mineproof one.
Oh, I can't stay mad at you.