Things you'd like SymX to do...

_Gentleman of_the Snow_

Prog' Drummer
Oct 30, 2005
Toronto, Canada
What are some of the things you'd love SymX to do/achieve before they are no longer a band?

I'm sure we'd all love a live DVD. One thing I'd love for them to release is a "1 song album" (i.e. Green Carnation's LoD,DoD) but obviously in the vein of SymX. I would love a 70+ min song :headbang:
Here are mine:

1.A music video.

2. I'd like them to do the full soundtrack to a major mythology/sci-fi/fantasy movie.

3. Do a tour that comes to St. Louis. Chicago is too far every year.

4. Form a supergroup with Dreamtheater.

5.Come up with more impossible riffs for me too not be able to play.

6. Acheive global recognition/ get played on the radio.

7. Do story disk on a major battle involving Mythology and sorcerors and stuff

These are things I'd like them to do. They are nearly perfect now anyway.
I'm surprised no one said to finish this next album. :p

But seriously, they do need a DVD.

And also, this isn't really for the entire band (though seeing SymX with an orchestra like DT at Radio City Hall would be amazing), but I'd like to hear Romeo compose something for a real orchestra.
I really think a music Video isn't asking to much...

on the other hand, I would love for them to take what they did with The Odyssey and write a 2 or 3 disk epic album entirely based off the Lord of the Rings trillogy, that would truly make life complete....:kickass:

"but I'd like to hear Romeo compose something for a real orchestra"

actually I had a dream where I was watching Yngwie's Electric guitar and orchestra DVD and all of a sudden, Mike comes up, kicks yngwie off the stage, and then proceeds to shred it up with the orchestra, then the camera pans over to Yngwie, whos in a corner, balled up in the fetal position,rocking back and forth while sucking his thumb.....:worship:
A DVD would be cool, but I still dont get why they cant make a video, even if its cheesy (doubt it would be though) I know MTV2 would play it on Headbangers ball..
Montu Sekhmet said:
5.Come up with more impossible riffs for me too not be able to play.
YES!! The one thing I want to see is more technical riffs. We all know the new album is going to sound GREAT because thats the way the cookie crumbles with these guys. But yeh, the more difficult the stuff is to play the more we will evolve as musicians and the more the next generation will have to work with and build upon. If people can play absolutely every symX song with ease than i reckon its about time they have something to push them to the next level. PLEEEEASE make a song that is as tech and awesome to us as the magnum is to zoolander!!!
I want them to be on the next Guitar Hero Video game so that one of their songs will be the song no one can beat. ^_-

Also a super grouping with DT isn't too bad an Idea.

A DVD would be nice, but a Music video would suffice.

I think a DVD Album with a music video for each song would just be amazing.
Wow there are some borderlining ludicris requests...I'll try and keep mine realistic...

2. TOUR and come to Pittsburgh for an all ages show.
----ITd be cool to see them for an evening with DT style, but they still aren't big enough I think.
----IF they could do a Fall/Winter tour with DT thatd be AWESOME. Just those 2 and ONLY SX and DT. No Opening acts, 90 minutes each. However, DT is taking the summer off after a long tour which means next up for them is probably the studio, not another tour.
3. Somehow get on like atlantic records, epic, universal, capital, or some major label that could help them out.
4. Being anti power metal and such, I think they should stray away from another epic. They just did one. Take a break, make another twilight or damnation esque album with a 10 minute mini epic.
----Moreover, Less fantasy stuff. Or at least make it cryptic like The Turning. I know that is like something talked about on the website in FAQs or something, the fact that they don't touch life issues, but thats what strikes nerves with people and makes further networking and recognition. ...That and...
5. BALLS OUT TOURING. I know they are a bit further along with their lives and careers. But I think DT showed that if u want to be a prog band and be big, you better tour your balls off. And play big shows with big setlists.
Not to come across as Dr. Doom & Gloom, but my personal wish is for them to remain together as a group with new CDs every two years or so. It would be a huge shame for this group to break up for any reason.

I think epics define the genre, for the most part. I think releasing that Divine Wings of Tragedy epic that never made the CD would be frickin' awesome. Keeping with mythology, maybe the story of Hercules would make a sweet epic - good war themes, feel-good ending, anger, etc.

A DT/SX tour would be ridiculously awesome.
ABQShredHead said:
Not to come across as Dr. Doom & Gloom, but my personal wish is for them to remain together as a group with new CDs every two years or so. It would be a huge shame for this group to break up for any reason.

I think epics define the genre, for the most part. I think releasing that Divine Wings of Tragedy epic that never made the CD would be frickin' awesome. Keeping with mythology, maybe the story of Hercules would make a sweet epic - good war themes, feel-good ending, anger, etc.

A DT/SX tour would be ridiculously awesome.

I like that suggestion. I want these guys to be The Rolling Stones of the prog world... touring until they are 247892304573248095 years old... except making good music.
_Gentleman of_the Snow_ said:
What are some of the things you'd love SymX to do/achieve before they are no longer a band?

I'm sure we'd all love a live DVD. One thing I'd love for them to release is a "1 song album" (i.e. Green Carnation's LoD,DoD) but obviously in the vein of SymX. I would love a 70+ min song :headbang:

They released one yet : "V" :headbang: