This is not a poll!!!

crap I only got 41........... :( ..........htough scores aside...i am a very big an of these guys's music....!!!...Keep rockin us oepth.......PEAC EOUT
Where are the answers to the bonus questions? IE how do we know if we can add a point for getting it right?

Read the FAQ...

If someone wants to liven this thread up they should explain WHY they got that many points. For Example:

I got # points because of This, and # points for this.

That'll definitely be more interesting.

I completely agree. But school started yesterday, so I'm too busy to care anymore.

if there were more band history/trivia type questions i would have got a lot of em.

Yeah, well, I thought it up during an afternoon. I realized that one thing I definitely should have included was "ability to play Opeth songs (or parts thereof) on an instrument." I'm not a mucisian, so I didn't think about it. Oh well.

I think it's funny how people are complaining that their score isn't high enough. It's just a joke everyone - your score means nothing... It was just an excuse for me to type 'nutsack' with great abandon.

And, if you're like me and you've been a fan since BWP, your score should be below 50.

scored big with the concerts thing (six times, including the Sounds of the Undeground performance)
also meeting all of the members at SOTU, have Still Life cover signed, a drum head signed
four shirts
all the trivia questions
