"This is the end, my only friend, the end..."

Oh dear God. No. I hate... HATE to admit it, but so many signs point to it.
They never wanted to be popular, never wanted to be accepted. They did this for themselves. Opeth was their channel-their art.
Silentjohan has a point also. Because I have often heard Opeth be referred to as the Pink Floyd of metal. Perhaps Mikael Akerfeldt had a similar plan in mind when he incepted Opeth. It is a highly feasible point.

My opinion-as much as I hate to say it. I think it will be their last. Think about it, Opeth has always delivered outstanding things to the world of metal, acoustics in a death band, melodic vocals in death songs. And finally a dual-album recording. The yin and yang album(s). Deliverance* and Damnation*. What a bang. And what better way to go out than with a bang?

Back to those asterisks. Look at the titles. Deliverance. When I hear this, I think edify, enlighten. Its this feeling that they are being delivered into their afterlife state. They are rising above. Damnation. I immediately think-apocalypse. The End. This album has finale written all over it. Death whispered a lullaby-a lullaby to sleep, the final sleep. Closure, need I say more? To rid the disease-purification before ascension. Ending Credits. Ending credits, not to the album, to the band.

I hope, PRAY even, that I am delving too deeply into this.

I don't want the end. But I feel it's nearing. :cry:
you guys are really overthinking this. the point you made would make it for a nice exit, but they prove next to nothing.

When Anders left the band after Morningrise Mike thought the band was over. When he describes the recording session for Still Life he mentions how lazy and uninspired they were getting. When he talks about Blackwater Park he talks how he doesnt trust people any more, the more well known they get the more he doesn't want to do this any more. Now they had a tough session with D1/D2... what does this prove? I think they will overcome this again and release an album again. What it will be like, I dunno, but I doubt it would be like anything of the stuff we've seen before. I dont think they will do another prog-rock album, and I dont think they will do anything like MAYH-SL-BP era. If they will go out, they will go out with the weirdest shit ever.

by the way, if I was thinking "exit" I wouldnt be touring this extensively.
Damnation is not the end. I actually think it's more of a beginning for Opeth. I'm sure the band will take a break and after a while they'll be itchin to record new material.
We can only hope. I know this didnt hit me until bw1 brought it up, but when it hit i felt like i was losing a friend, like someone died. I know its corny but, my god man. I love opeth.
Well, for one thing, is anybody considering the fact that Opeth have a binding contract with their record company? I'm pretty sure that they have to do one more album before they can decide to quit. Maybe I forgot my numbers but I think that's why they had to convince the record companies to let Deliverance/Damnation count as one album on their contract. So if I am correct about this, there's no reason to start bawling yet.

Second, if a person really wants to find "evidence" that a band is breaking up, they could probably do so to just about any band in existence. They'll go back and name song titles and album names and random things that band members said in interviews until they've convinced themselves that the band is indeed calling it quits. Paranoia is stronger than wisdom. I'm not saying you're wrong, but you very well could be.
I don't think they will break up. I KNOW they won't do a soft album like this again, Martin [Lopez] said in an interview that they were going to go back to the brutal shit :)

I don't want them to break up, they are sucha beautiful band.
hmm, well, they will break up eventually, and when it happens, it happens. I doubt i'll be all whiney and stuff. I think they'll make a good 9 or 10 albums, then hopefully the members will do their own projects and stuff.

I thought this thread was quoting Godspeed You Black Emperor! on their CD f#a#00... "THIS IS MILE END MY FRIEND"
It's the theme from Apocalypse Now :) I agree that Damnation will probably end up being a unique item in the Opethian catalogue, although I could imagine Akerfeldt pursuing such a direction in a post-Opeth or side project (involving Steven Wilson?)...