This is WRONG.. so wrong! oh god justin/lord lucid! wrong!

Stealer of Dreams said:
I have a Xanga, which was chosen over other blogs solely because I could have Perun's Celesital Silver playing in the background.

Myspace is for trendwhores.

Myspace, friendster, Xanga, livejournal, deadjournal and any of those other blog communities are all trends and attentionwhore products. The thing that myspace has over the others currently is that it will allow bands to make profiles and host/stream their music for them. It get's their name out w/o a ton of costs. I see the benefit in that.

Nope, don't work for them and don't have a space. But I too am feeling pressured to get one.
Yea I use it to whore out my band whenever we make new songs. Its suprising how many bands (good ones, not just shitty garage bands) have pages there actually.
it seems that the majority of myspace users are women. :err:

there are 3 girls and 1 guy on my list.
BlackwaterNymph said:
Add me, bitches!
the rest of you, get off your high horses and get on myspace now. stop being pretentious "I am teh cool because I ignore trendee mispayce":Spin:

but - as soon as you join delete that tom Fucker from your friends because it's extremely presumtive of him to believe you want him there in the first place.