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I actually like reading bad propmts me to check out the album and see if there's any truth to the reviews, I do have to listen to the album a few times cause I don't get hooked easily.
Aprilhäxan said:May be if that pisses you off that much you should quit reading reviews? You can't shut every fool up, so take it or leave it...
jptk said:hmm..this all brings up the questioin, what is "Nu" metal? Surely Linkin park arnt any sort of metal..?
Reviews mentioning LP could put off potential fans from listeneing to the album. I certainly wouldnt bother checking out a band if they were described as sounding like LP..
yuronimus said:i say reading reviews is a f***ing waste of time.
Not that weird, really. Its melodic, heavy with some quiet parts, mellow and has clean vocals. Thats basically a description of Linkin parks music.the mourner13 said:man this is bullshit,you've got to be a total idiot to tell that my twin sounds like alinkin park song!!!!!come on,don't these people see the difference!!!!well fuck them,just believe in katatonia...
Liquid Diamonds said:I played a few friends My Twin. They all said it sounded like Linkin Park![]()
Yes, I know. But you cant change anything, can you? You can only do some private promotion to your friends Even if they say it sounds exactly like Linkin Park without rapping. There is one certain thing that these so called reviewers never dare to add: Katatonia music is way too intelligent for most of themDiscouraged+One said:well,i dont care about the reviews, because music is always very personal, gives bad thoughts of the band, to people who are new to katatonia, and people who dont know katatonia too, but then doesnt make sense saying katatonia.....linkin park.....oh my thats too much..
the-lull said:Change your friends :Smug:
LoboUivante said:It's strange this Katatonia board nowadays, too many groupies, too many groupies. It seems that even Katatonia released a, literally speaking, bad album, they would praise it anyway. I still haven't heard the new album, quite frankly i'm not that eager (i'm thinking more about new Fall of the Leafe) since the Viva Emptiness, i kind of wandered away from them. Hope they0ve done their best though, anyway... it's about time they start getting more commercial, you can't live from unique sounding undergrounded basis for the rest of your life.
LoboUivante said:It's strange this Katatonia board nowadays, too many groupies, too many groupies. It seems that even Katatonia released a, literally speaking, bad album, they would praise it anyway. I still haven't heard the new album, quite frankly i'm not that eager (i'm thinking more about new Fall of the Leafe) since the Viva Emptiness, i kind of wandered away from them. Hope they0ve done their best though, anyway... it's about time they start getting more commercial, you can't live from unique sounding undergrounded basis for the rest of your life.